Rev-er-ent-ly: adverb: deeply respectful
Scab-bard: noun: a sheath for a knife or sword
Tar-ry: verb: to linger OR to be tardy
Breach: verb: to break in OR to violate a relationship
En-trea-ty: noun: a fervent request
La-den: adjective: burdened, weighed down
Ar-ray: noun: a large and impressive grouping OR verb: to clothe with ornamental garments
Dis-pelled: verb: to cause to vanish
Gar-ments: noun: clothing
Il-lus-tri-ous: adjective: highly distinguised
Ma-l-ady: noun: a disorder or disease
Re-comp-ensed: verb: to repay
U-na-nim-ity: noun: all are in agreement, a consensus
Dif-fuse: verb: to scatter or disperse, to disseminate
Af-fab-il-ity: adjective: pleasantly easy to talk with