Building your Team Good Practice Working with Schools Building your Team Good Practice
WHY WORK WITH SCHOOLS School is part of the community and where you will find children and young people! Outreach to staff, families and wider school community Being a role model and of service Cutbacks/Gaps in school provision
Why work with Schools? Presents opportunities of hearing about faith + hearing Bible stories Children, families and staff can visit Church – may be first time Provides intergenerational links Children are our future as well as well as being in the present
WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY? Working in schools is not just for clergy Consider the whole church community Working with other Churches
THINGS TO CONSIDER Does your vision match that of your Church? Are there others with a heart for working in schools? Schools are busy places School culture and policies Think School, Church + Community Safeguarding + Training Needs
HOW + GETTING STARTED Pray – keep prayer at the centre Consider your context – no one model fits all Check what other Churches are already offering – don’t duplicate Research what schools ‘need’ and note gaps in provisions Identify skills in your congregation Building relationships takes time
WHAT NOW? Pray Be prepared for set backs Build on links + pool resources Use everyone’s gifts and talents More than one school ? Children are our present + future Enjoy and have fun! Church/School Partnership