Dr Reda Sirgediene, MoI, Lithuania Experience of Lithuania in identifying and referring children at risk of exploitation and trafficking: achievements, challenges, role of National Rapporteur for counter-THB Dr Reda Sirgediene, MoI, Lithuania 12 December 2017, Vilnius
Legislation Penal Code – Art. 147, 157, 147-1, 147-2 Recommendations on Identification of Victims of Trafficking, Criminal Investigations and Interagency Cooperation (2015) Declaration of NGOs and IOM Vilnius Office Model of Description of Municipality counter-THB Coordination Procedures on Collection and Publishing of Statistical Data and Other Information regarding Trafficking in Human Beings, as well as Activities and Actions of the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings (2017) Rules by the Ministry of Social security and Labour on funding NGOs
Achievements vs Challenges Legislation on THB Recommendations on Identification of Victims of Trafficking, Criminal Investigations and Interagency Cooperation Declaration of NGOs and IOM Vilnius Office Involvement of municipalities Data on victims – „hidden“ victims Assistance quality standards
Role of National Rapporteur for human trafficking (1) Resolution of the Government on on National Rapporteur of the Republic of Lithuania for counter-THB issues No. 1161 (2016) Ruling of Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania on Procedures on Collection and Publishing of Statistical Data and Other Information regarding Trafficking in Human Beings, as well as Activities and Actions of the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings No. 1V-245 (2017)
Role of National Rapporteur for human trafficking (2) Tasks in pursuant to Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2011 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania informs the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the recommendations by National Rapporteur each year until the 1st of March
Official of the Ministry of the Interior with scientific degree National Rapporteur of the Republic of Lithuania for counter-THB issues Collects statistical data and other relevant information on THB and counter-THB activities and actions Conducts data analysis and evaluates trends of THB and the results of counter-THB activities and actions, as well as issues recommendations to further progress of the fight against THB and presents them to Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, the Commission of Coordination of the Fight against THB and the public; Minister of the Interior informs the Government on the recommendations by National Rapporteur each year until the 1st of March Represents Lithuania in the Network of National Rapporteurs or Equivalent Mechanisms of the European Union (EU) and passes information to the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Government Minister of the Interior Public Tasks Procedures Stakeholders Providers of statistical data and other information: all responsible state agencies, municipalities, NGO working in the counter-THB field, IOM Vilnius Office, and other agencies which might have relevant data Local commissions against THB Local actions plans against THB
prekybazmonemis@vrm.lt Šventaragio g. 2, Vilnius, LITHUANIA +370 5 271 7239