Harvard Law School Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs Clinical 101
Clinical Programs HLS has the largest variety of clinical opportunities in the country. In , there were over 900 clinic placements. Placements may be on or off campus, local or long distance, within the U.S. or around the world.
What is a clinic? Academic experience where students learn law through practice. Type of practice varies by clinic: litigation, legislative, policy, research. All work is supervised by a licensed attorney who provides feedback and guides training. Clinic work is supplemented by a course component where students learn substantive law and practical skills.
Placements Clinical placements are available at in-house clinics (HLS) and externships (outside, independent organizations). Externship placements include government offices, large and small non-profits, and other agencies. See clinical curriculum chart to see placements offered through clinical courses.
HLS Clinics In-House Clinics: Criminal Justice Institute Crimmigration Clinic (HIRC) Cyberlaw Clinic (Berkman) Education Law Clinic / Trauma Learning Policy Initiative Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic Food Law and Policy Clinic (CHLPI) Harvard Immigration & Refugee Clinic Harvard Legal Aid Bureau Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinic Health Law and Policy Clinic (CHLPI) International Human Rights Shareholder Rights Clinic Transactional Law Clinics Externship Clinics: Capital Punishment Clinic Child Advocacy Clinic (CAP) Criminal Prosecution Clinic(District Attorney) Employment Law Clinic Government Lawyer – USAO & State Attorney General Government Lawyer – Semester in Washington Judicial Process in Community Courts Sports Law Clinic Supreme Court Litigation Clinic In-House Clinics at the WilmerHale Legal Services Center (Jamaica Plain): Family Law and Domestic Violence Clinic Post-Foreclosure Eviction Defense/Housing Law Clinic Predatory Lending and Consumer Protection Clinic Veterans Law and Disability Benefits Clinic
Clinical Curriculum Clinical work is done in conjunction with a course (Exception: Independent Clinicals and Continuing Clinicals) Curriculum chart lists clinics and their required course component(s). Also lists registration restrictions, pre-requisites, clinicals that span more than 1 term, clinicals offered in more than 1 term, additional requisites.
Clinical Credits Clinical credits are based on the average number of hours worked at the clinic per week. 1 clinical credit = 5 work hours per week TermWeeksCreditsHours/WeekHours/Term Fall or Spring12210 hrs/wk120 hrs/term Fall or Spring12315 hrs/wk180 hrs/term Fall or Spring12420 hrs/wk240 hrs/term Winter3240 hrs/wk120 hrs/term
Things to consider Clinics are a very serious time commitment. Real cases and clients with important outcomes. Expect to reserve half-days or full days for clinic work. Research a clinic before enrolling: –Get advising from Clinical Office (oversees all clinics) –Review past student evaluations (HELIOS.law.harvard.edu – Public Service and Clinical Practice) –Talk to the clinic director or attorneys about the kind of work clinical students engage in
Enrollment Clinics are taken with a class Some clinics have additional pre-requisites that students must fulfill to participate. Clinics have early drop deadlines – please see the clinical curriculum chart or course catalog for specific dates. Failure to enroll in pre/co-requisite by the clinics add/drop deadline will result in the student being dropped from the clinic
Dropping If you drop a clinical that has a Bundled or Reserved course component, you will be dropped from the clinic and the course. Drop deadlines for clinicals are earlier than of regular courses (clinical drop deadlines can be found on the Clinical Curriculum Chart and in the clinics description). If the class and clinical are in different semesters, you must drop by the deadline of the first component. Capital Punishment Clinic Fall class Winter-Spring clinical Add/Drop by Fall deadline Example:
Reserved Seats Reserved clinical seats refer to a group of seats in a course that are reserved for clinical students. If a student chooses to drop the clinical component, they will lose their seat in the course: Reserved Clinical Seats = 8 Other seats are for students who are only taking the class
By Application Some clinics require an application: Crimmigration Clinic Environmental Law and Policy (winter clinic only) Government Lawyer: Semester in Washington – due August 15 Shareholder Rights Clinic – rolling deadline Sports Law Clinic Supreme Court Litigation Clinic
Continuing Clinical For students who complete the class and clinical, and are invited back by the clinic to continue clinical work at an advanced level. Requires approval of supervising attorney and the clinics faculty director. Enrollment is by application.
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