Fast Roaming Study Group Closing Report March 2004 January 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 March 2004 Fast Roaming Study Group Closing Report March 2004 Addressed comments on PAR and 5 Criteria from 802.21 (motions on Wednesday) Reaffirmed vote to accept PAR (03/771-r5) and 5 Criteria (03/772-r4) and to forward PAR and 5 Criteria to WG to forward to EXCOM (motion today) Voted to extend Study Group through meeting in January 2005 (motion today) Clint Chaplin, FR SG Chair John Doe, His Company
Presentations Roaming Requirements (04-286) March 2004 Presentations Roaming Requirements (04-286) Roaming Interval Measurements(04-378) Analysis of Roaming Techniques (04-377) Clint Chaplin, FR SG Chair
Fast Inter-AP Transition = FIAT Minutes: 04-287 March 2004 Fast Inter-AP Transition = FIAT Minutes: 04-287 Clint Chaplin, FR SG Chair
Goals for May (SG or TG) Focus on the following areas: March 2004 Goals for May (SG or TG) Focus on the following areas: Develop process to follow in Task Group Key Requirements for Fast BSS-Transition Current BSS-Transition architecture and Process Survey of liaison group candidates Use cases/applications of Fast BSS-Transition Clint Chaplin, FR SG Chair