Bell-work Silent Sustained Reading Grab a book (no textbooks or notes) and read quietly for the next few minutes. See if you can find examples of the hero’s journey in your book! (Hint hint) Hang in there—it’s almost Friday!
Finish Notes + Review
Hero’s Journey Musical “Chairs” To practice identifying/reviewing hero’s journey stages in literature, students will work to come up with examples for each of the steps in the “Initiation” phase. Ms. Madsen will review instructions first with students—when the game starts bulleted instructions will be on the screen.
Each step in the “initiation” phrase on the HJ has a “chair” (poster) somewhere in the room While the music plays, students will be at a “chair” and write an example of that stage on the journey Students must initial next to their examples When the music stops, students will move to a different station and write an example for that stage No more than 3 students on a “chair” at a time! Students cannot remain at the same “chair” and should not move to a station together!
Class/Homework: CD Jackets Situation: You have been given the task of assembling a “Soundtrack” for a film version of a hero’s journey tale. Directions: Select an appropriate song to represent one of the steps on the initiation stage.* EXPLAIN why you chose that song and why it is appropriate for that stage! Draw cover art for your CD that relates to that HJ stage! Your songs can be instrumental or have lyrics-any genre is fine. *If you cannot think of a specific song, describe the sound or instruments that you would hear during that scene; come up with a “song title” and musician to sing/perform it.
Example CD Jacket: Queen “We Are the Champions” Outside back: Outside front: The Ultimate Boon Inside: The song “We Are the Champions” is a perfect example of the ultimate boon. It is a song that celebrates victory and achievement and can reflect how the hero succeeds in their mission or reaches their goal.