Project: Penpals
What is it? A penpal is a person with who you communicate by written letters. You will not know this person personally, but with this penpal project you will get to know that person a little better. Basically, you write a letter to that person and she / he will write back.
Our PenPals!!! School: Du Grand-Voilier in St-Nicolas. C.S des Navigateurs Grade 6 students Intensive English
Today, 1st writing! Answer to the letters! What to write? Step 1: Greetings + Present yourself Hello! / Good morning! / Name Age Primary School Family members / Pets Your interest ( sports, arts, dance, music etc.) Step 2: What do you like / dislike of high school compare to primary school? ( lockers, schedules, cafeteria, friends, classes …) Step 3: Ask the following question to your pen pal : Do you have any fears or questions related to high school? Step 4: Ending sentences! ( It was nice to meet you… I am looking forward to your answer … have a nice week…)
Today, 2nd writing! Answer to the letters! Step 1: Greeting Hello, How are you, Thank you for writing etc… Step 2: Answer their questions. Step 3: Give information about different sport teams / art / music / dance classes. Ask them about their interests. Step 4: Ending Sentence: I am looking forward to your answer … have a nice week… etc…
3rd writing See activity sheet.
4th writing See activity sheet.