Bellringer 2/6 Using your knowledge from English class, answer the following: What is: 1.1st person? 2. 2nd person? 3. 3rd person? 4. a noun? 5. a subject? 6. a pronoun?
Parts of Speech -Subject-a person or thing being described or doing something Example: Miss Fairchild is my teacher. (Miss Fairchild is being described) Juan writes a story. (Juan is doing the writing)
-Verb-action word (run, sing, play, jump, write, talk; don’t forget that words like “am,” “is,” and “are” are verbs also)
-Noun-person, place, thing, or idea person-Anna place-Argentina thing-cat idea-love
-Pronoun-can replace a noun; some examples of Spanish pronouns are él, ella, tú and usted (he, she you) Example: Gabriella is my friend-->She is my friend.
Tell me the subject and verbs in the following sentences: 1. The students learn Spanish. 2. The boys play football. 3. The team wins their game. 4. I go with my parents to the store. 5. My grandparents arrive by train. 6. We serve dinner to our guests. 7. The chorus sings well. 8. My friends and I talk to each other on the phone. 9. He eats the pie. 10. She is helping her sister.
Subject Pronouns VERB CHART _________ _________ _________ _________ Why is the verb chart to so important?
VERB CHART with the English pronouns: (Singular) (Plural) (1st person) I________ We_______ ( 2nd person) You (informal) You all (Spain) ( 2nd person) You (formal) You all ( 3rd person) He, She, it They______
VERB CHART with the English pronouns: (Singular) (Plural) (1st person) I________ We_______ ( 2nd person) You (informal) You all (Spain) ( 2nd person) You (formal) You all ( 3rd person) He, She, it They______ ***Notice how You (formal) and You (informal) are on different lines of the verb chart. This means that the verb forms for each of these will be different... You (formal) and he/she will have the same verb form because they are on the same line.
Subject Pronouns (Singular) (Plural) (1st person) I-yo ____ we-nosotros(as) (2nd person) you-tú (informal) you all-vosotros(as) (Spain) (2nd person) you-usted (formal) you all-ustedes ( 3rd person) he/she-él / ella__ they-ellos / ellas
Figure out the subject pronoun in each of the sentences: 1. She is from Madrid. 2. I am a student. 3. We are classmates. 4. They are best friends. 5. Where are you from? 6. Ella es una profesora. 7. Vosotros sois (are) amigos. 8. Yo soy de Puerto Rico. 9. Él es mi amigo. 10. ¿De dónde eres tú?
Tú vs. usted -In Spanish, there are 2 ways you can address someone face to face: 1. Informal (tú)-used when talking to a friend or someone you know well 2. Formal (usted)-used when talking to someone older than you or someone you don’t know very well -Both tú and usted mean “you” -usted-----Ud. (you can abbreviate usted to Ud., but make sure it’s capitalized) -Example: ¿Cómo te llamas (tú)? (informal) ¿Cómo se llama usted? (formal)-->(usted must be left in to show respect)
Vosotros and ustedes -Vosotros is ONLY used in Spain -Both vosotros and ustedes mean “you all.” They are used when talking to more than one person face to face. -ustedes-----Uds.(you can abbreviate ustedes to Uds., but make sure it’s capitalized)
Feminine Forms ustedes). When saying -The subject pronouns nosotros, vosotros, and ellos have feminine forms. -All boys group - we-nosotros; you all-vosotros/ustedes; they- ellos -All girls group - we-nosotras; you all-vosotras/ustedes; they- ellas -Mixed group of boys and girls - use masculine forms: nosotros, vosotros, ellos ustedes). When saying
Masculine vs. Feminine -Almost everything in Spanish is going to either be masculine or feminine. -What does masculine mean? -What does feminine mean?
You may hear me ask: What pronoun would you use when talking to someone...or what pronoun would you use when talking about someone? Talking to someone is 2nd person. Talking about someone is 3rd person.
1. Infinitive verb: a word that ends in AR, ER, or IR; in English, the term means “to + verb”; the infinitive itself doesn’t show tense or who is performing the action of the verb Example: hablar-to talk, comer-to eat, escribir-to write 2. Conjugate: conjugating is when you change a verb form to tell who is performing the action Example: yo hablo-I talk
ser-to be (yo) soy-I am (nosotros/as) somos-we are (tú) eres-you are (vosotros/as) sois-you all are (Ud.) es-you are (Uds.) son-you all are (él/ella) es-he/she/it is (ellos/ellas) son-they are
estar-to be (yo) estoy-I am (nosotros/as) estamos-we are (tú) estás-you are (vosotros/as) estáis-you all are (Ud.) está-you are (Uds.) están-you all are (él/ella) está-he/she/it is (ellos/ellas) están-they are Note the accent marks on the bottom 4 lines!!!
OUR 1st VERBS (both irregular): ser-to be soy somos eres sois es son infinitive verb estar-to be estoy estamos estás estáis está están conjugation