LESSON 4.C VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## Bias toward action
## Close to the customer VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## Close to the customer
## Autonomy and Entrepreneurship VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## Autonomy and Entrepreneurship
## Productivity through people VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## Productivity through people
## Sticking to the knitting VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## Sticking to the knitting
## Sticking to the knitting VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## Sticking to the knitting
## simple form, lean staff VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## simple form, lean staff
## simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties
Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus fount that many organizations are overmanned and underled. They ascertain that the leader should be concerned with the organization’s basic purpose and general directions.
Time should be spent on doing the right thing: Creating new ideas Creating new policies Creating new methodologies
Motivation Through Self-interest Trust, Subtlety intimacy Reward System Theory Z in schools Shared control And Decision Making Quality Education Skills Training
## Sticking to the knitting VIEWS OF EXCELLENCE ## Sticking to the knitting