Lesson 7 Directions: Discovery Education Video Activity 1. Go to Discovery Education Username=Student I.D. # Password= welcome (Lower Case) 2. Click assignments 3. Watch the video that says, “The American Industrial Revolution.” 4. Watch 5 segments of your choice 5. Write down 4 facts per segment 6. Explain how each segment relates to change in America Are your classroom colors different than what you see in this template? That’s OK! Click on Design -> Variants (the down arrow) -> Pick the color scheme that works for you! Feel free to change any “You will…” and “I will…” statements to ensure they align with your classroom procedures and rules!
Lesson Objective To understand the concept of Industrialization as a generator of change in America and to connect that concept to the unit theme of change through an online video experience.
Answer 1 OF THE 2 Key Questions on the back of your video organizer: How did the Industrial Revolution change America around the year 1900? Were the changes positive, or negative or both positive and negative?
When you are done Place your completed organizer into the white bin on MR. Murtagh’s desk. Work on a bonus assignment (8th grade classwork tab) of www.mrmurtagh.com