7th Grade Reading Ms. Honeybee Welcome To The Hive!!!! 7th Grade Reading Ms. Honeybee
7th grade Schedule: Homeroom: 8:25-8:50am 2nd period: 8:55-9:50am 5th period: 11:20-12:15pm 6th period-Lunch: 12:20-2:05 pm 7th period: 2:10-3:05 pm 8th period: 3:10-4:05pm
Supply List: 7th grade Reading Supplies: 2, 5 subject spiral notes books 2 composition books Post it notes Pencils- No Lead Ear buds (optional) Flash drive (optional) 2 Highlighters (optional)
Off Grade Level Traveling Expectations Grade Level Halls Off Grade Level Traveling Drills/Assemblies Cafeteria Restroom Bus Be Respectful ⦁Code 2 ⦁Appropriate language ⦁Hands and feet to yourself ⦁Code 0 ⦁Code 2 (4square) ⦁Wait your turn in line ⦁Respect staff members ⦁Use equipment properly ⦁Appropriate language & volume ⦁Obey bus driver Responsible ⦁Go directly to class ⦁Remain in assigned areas ⦁Keep belongings & trash off floors ⦁Keep moving and stay to the right ⦁Go directly to your assigned area. ⦁Remain seated ⦁Raise hand for assistance ⦁Sit at your designated table ⦁Clean up after yourself!!!!!!! ⦁Maintain proper hygiene ⦁Go directly to and from the restroom. ⦁Keep hands and objects inside ⦁Always follow school rules at the bus stop Prepared ⦁Have all supplies and materials ⦁Always have a valid signed pass. ⦁Always have utensils and condiments leaving the serving line. ⦁Have a valid pass ⦁Ride assigned bus ⦁Permission to ride a different bus must be obtained during homeroom from an administrator.
Consequences: Power of Choice (What choices do you make?) Example: Bee Card Phone Call Home Silent lunch After School Detention Counselor Referral Office Referral Classroom Expectations 7th grade Reading\Class Expectations.jpg
Grading Weights Tests 25% Performance Tasks(format writing assignments, projects, labs) 20% Homework 10% Quizzes 20% Classwork 25%
Please sharpen pencils the first 5 minutes of class Please sharpen pencils the first 5 minutes of class. It is suggested that you have 2 sharpened pencils. Ms. Honeybee will give you a pencil and paper, but the 3rd time will result in a parent phone call and then a parent conference. Please No LEAD Pencils
Exiting the “The Hive” Write down assignment/homework in agenda. Clean up your area around your desk/group. Ensure you have received items necessary for homework. Wait quietly for dismissal (1-2-3). REMEMBER!!! The
In the Hive Each Student Is Expected to: To be present and on time. Tardy –Need a pass or sign the tardy log To bring all learning materials. To be prepared To exhibit respect for other people and their property (teacher desk and property). To maximize each academic moment. WE DO NOT WASTE TIME, BUT WE DO FOCUS.
Grading Continued… Fulton County Grading Scale: A=100-90 B= 89-80 F= Below 70 NG = No Grade INC = Incomplete
Common Core Standards ELACC7.L.4 ELACC7R.7 ELACC7.L.5 ELACC7R.8 ELACC7R.1 ELACC7R.9 ELACC7R.2 *Standards in detail on syllabus!!!!!! ELACC7R.3 ELACC7R.4 ELACC7R.5 ELACC7R.6
Textbook: Inside Units: Imagine the Possibilities Close Encounters Play to Your Strengths To the Rescue A New Chapter More Than a Game Every Body Is a Winner Global Warnings
I will maximize each academic moment To excel to my maximum potential in knowledge I will seize the moment So that I can become a lifelong learner A positive career will be my reward I deserve it Failure is not an option Mediocrity is not a choice Everything I do this year has to be a success
I must believe this for me to achieve it Because….. T- I’m a believer S- I’m a believer T- I was born to believe S-I was born to believe T-I believe that I can soar S- I believe that I can soar T_ I am kind S- I am kind T- I am smart S- I am smart T-I am important S- I am important T- Beeeelieve That S- Beeeelieve that T- I believe I can S- I believe I can T- I believe I will S- I believe I will T- I will S- I will S- Be amazing S- Be involved S- Be myself S- Be brave S- Be kind S-Be accepting
SHUSSHH . . . Don't Tell the Bumble Bee "Scientists have proven that it is aerodynamically impossible for the bumble bee to fly," says Dr. Mamie. "Its body is too heavy, and its wings are too light. However, the bumble bee doesn't read – it just flies." We often let the world convince us that we can't do things, or we throw up our hands and simply say, "I can't." Believe and you to can do what is said to be impossible.
Honeybee?? http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=beyonce+b+day+in+bee+costume+live+performance&FORM=VIRE3#view=detail&mid=19CA3A16961ADF4CA33F19CA3A16961ADF4CA33F
Closing… Any Questions?????? Thank you!!!!