Science Notebook: Scientific Root Words Video: Life in the Undergrowth 9/12 - 7th Grade Agenda Science Notebook: Scientific Root Words Video: Life in the Undergrowth
Thinking like a Scientist Scientists use skills such as obs_______, infe______, pred_______, clas______, and making models to learn more about the world and make scientific progress erving rring icting sifying
Observing Observing means using one or more of your sen_____ to gather information. ses
Quantitative observation deal with num____ or amounts. bers Can you give me an example? 20% of the students passed the test.
Qualitative Observation deal with desc_______ that cannot be expressed in numbers riptions Can you give me an example? The chimp appears sad.
Inferring When you exp_____ or interp____ the things you observe, you are inferring or making an inference lain ret
Predicting Predicting means making a fore____ of what will happen in the future based on past exp__________ or evi_______. cast erience dence
Classifying Classifying is the process of gro_____ together items that are alike in some way uping
Making models Making models involves creating repre_________ of complex objects or processes. sentations 9