Lesson 2: Quality time Today we will learn that our bodies get better at doing things with practice. Instructions on how to use this PowerPoint can be found on p.12-13 of the Teaching Guide, copies of which can be downloaded from www.getinthezone.org.uk.
You have to react quickly at the start of a race. Lesson 2: Quality time You have to react quickly at the start of a race. Use this slide to show the children what the start of a sprint race looks like. Use the accompanying notes on p.13 of the Teaching Guide to explain what reaction time is, and why it is important.
This is how you use a reaction tester: Lesson 2: Quality time This is how you use a reaction tester: 1. Hold the top of the tester while your partner keeps their hand open by the number ‘0’. 2. Suddenly, let go of the tester and see how quickly your partner can catch it! Use this slide to show the children how to use the reaction tester, which can be photocopied from p.15 of the Teaching Guide. Details of the activity can be found on p.13 of the Teaching Guide.
Lesson 2: Quality time How speedy are you? Click on the link below to test your reaction times in the Super Speedy interactive game! http://www.getinthezone.org.uk/schools/ages-4-11/ages-5-7/game-super-speedy/
Super Speedy interactive game, go to: This PowerPoint supports the investigations within the In the Zone Stupendous Steppers unit for ages 5-7. In the Zone is the Wellcome Trust’s major UK initiative inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It has been awarded the London 2012 Inspire Mark and is part of Get Set +, the official London 2012 education programme. For more information about In the Zone, comics and online activities such as the Super Speedy interactive game, go to: www.getinthezone.org.uk In the Zone resources are, unless otherwise stated, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 3.0 UK:England And Wales License. This means that, unless indicated that restrictions apply, you can copy, share and adapt materials as much as you like, as long as it is not for commercial use. Please find editable documents at www.getinthezone.org.uk