Name as many elements as you can!!!!


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Presentation transcript:

Name as many elements as you can!!!! Biochemistry Name as many elements as you can!!!!


Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen H:O = 2:1 Monosaccharides (simple sugar, glucose) MAIN source of ENERGY for living things! Also used for structural purposes (part of plant cell walls – “cellulose”) STARCH (a polysaccharide) like glycogen and cellulose Glucose (a monosaccharide) C6H12O6 Most sugars end in “ose”

BRAINPOP Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen H:O = much greater than 2:1 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol per lipid Used as a source of STORED Energy Important parts of biological membranes Used in waterproof coverings Fats, cholesterol, waxes, oils, and steroids (used as chemical messengers) Saturated and unsaturated

proteins in the body

Oh we love DNA made of nucleotides Oh we love DNA made of nucleotides! phosphate, sugar and a base bonded down the side!