Improved Paterson Process for: Child Immunization Clinic patient flow School Nurses provide clinic info & flyer to students/families that need immunizations (flyer includes – how to make appointment, what to bring to clinic, reminder that child should eat before appointment) Is client is a repeat-client? Last updated – August 8, 2012 If YES, nurse / health aide reviews patient file Fill out intake forms using the cheat sheet as guide Nurse / Health Aide puts completed chart/forms into doctors box (bottom of the pile) Doctor finishes seeing previous patient Client is called in to see doctor Doctor administers vaccination(s) Parent learns of clinic (from: word of mouth, school nurses, website, flyers, other sources) Health Aide calls name (2-4 stations set up) & assesses quickly to identify language barriers Give client / parent health education (vaccine schedule), medical records / documentation If NO, health aide or nurse enters client info into Dept health record forms Nurse or health aide determines if patient has all required health records If YES, continue with intake process If NO, nurse or health aide reschedules appointment and tells client which specific records to bring to new appointment Family walks-in with no appointment and the clinic is fully booked Inform the customer that the clinic is by-appointment Client signs in & sits down in waiting room to be called Client speaks English Client speaks Spanish Client speaks another language with no interpreter Intake Process starts Client leaves through waiting room Health Aide reschedules appointment and tells them to return with interpreter Direct to next available health aide (provide patient chart, if returning client) Direct to next available nurse or health aide (provide patient chart, if returning client) Client leaves Doctor reviews clients paperwork If there is an issue, doctor fixes the issue with the paperwork (training for Health Aides before and after clinic) Client is sent back to waiting room If necessary, schedule next appointment for child immunizations with client Family calls to schedule an appointment When making appointments, clinic staff determines new or return patient & multiple children or just one. Reminds person to bring appropriate health records, interpreter if necessary, and make sure the child eats. [end of contact until client shows up for appointment] Client arrives at clinic & signs in Large / visible / bi-lingual signs in waiting room remind clients about health records, interpreter, and making sure child has eaten Day after the clinic, hold hotwash meeting to review what worked and didnt work for the clinic, do additional training on the cheat sheet / intake forms, and improve cheat sheet as needed (if any issues identified by doctor or clinic staff) Appointment process Family walks-in with no appointment and there is an available appointment slot Has everything needed for intake Doesnt have everything needed for intake Clinic staff pull files for returning-patient appointments before the clinic starts Client leaves