Equations, Identities and Formulae
Solving quadratics learning objectives: factorise quadratic expressions including the difference of two squares solve simple quadratics by using the quadratic formulae solve simple quadratic equations by factorisation and completing the square Reference Material Text: Chapter 16 page 239 section 16.1, 16.2, 16.3 10 Ticks: MEP:
Inequalities and Graphs learning objectives: solve simple linear inequalities in one variable, and represent the solution set on a number line use the correct notation to show inclusive and exclusive inequalities show the solution set of several inequalities in two variables on a graph Reference Material Text: Chapter 16 section 16.4 page 247, 16.5 page 252, Chapter 17 page 262 10 Ticks: MEP:
Trial and Improvement learning objectives: use systematic trial and improvement to find approximate solutions of equations where there is no simple analytical method of solving them Reference Material Text: Chapter 10 Ticks: MEP:
Algebraic fractions that form quadratic equations learning objectives: simplify rational expressions and solve the resulting quadratic Reference Material Text: Chapter 7 section 7.8 10 Ticks: MEP:
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