Negative effects that modern society has on teens And how social media and technology affect it
Media affects our food choices Media affects our food choices in a usually negative way because we are lead to believe that eating something specific or not eating at all can make our body image “ideal”.
I am aware of leaving a good digital footprint Digital footprints are inevitable when using the internet and we must always be mindful of what we post because what seemed to be ok to post in the past, may be something embarrassing in the future. Most of the time, we can’t delete this, and even if we can, it will be forever stored somewhere in a line of code in the depths of the internet where it might come up when we least expect it.
Communication can make a relationship healthy or unhealthy Communication being the most important part in a relationship, holds potential to make a relationship healthy or unhealthy. For this reason, it is essential to have a good connection to your partner so you can discuss issues that one or the other may have. Some people who have “long distance” relationships lack this skill because they cannot communicate face to face and can only chat online.
Bullying is / is not a serious problem in your school. In our school, cyber-bullying is more of problem and this means the problem is more serious than regular bullying because of technology. Almost everyone at school has a phone and some sort of social media account so this makes everyone a potential victim but also a potential bully.
Could the taking and posting of photos of others without their knowledge or permission be a form of bullying? This could very easily be considered cyber bullying or even harassment. Taking a photo of someone and sharing it, is most usually a way to make fun of them, especially without them knowing it. This is a very easy to virtually abuse someone or hurt their feelings.