Senior College Prep 9/4/18
Welcome to Senior Year! Something to consider this year…
How We Are Going to Minimize Stress Be responsible by listening during college prep, taking notes, meeting deadlines, following procedures and putting forth your best effort. Work diligently to complete your applications. You will be motivated because it is your future! Stay organized by using your college planning spreadsheet and a planner. Do not procrastinate. Ask questions when you don’t understand something. I am here for you! All of the stressors mentioned in the video are also things that can stress you out now. Let’s start this year off on the right foot.
Senior Year Plan Senior Year Timeline
College Counseling Forms Record Release Form – Due next class (9/21) Transcript Request Form - Mrs. Ruark needs this form for each school you apply to. Each form is due at least two weeks before the deadline.
Goals Applications are due at least one week before the deadline. All application materials should be received by the deadline. Confirm receipt of all application materials before the deadline. Choose a mixture of safety, match, and dream schools that you would be happy to attend. You are responsible for researching admissions criteria. Apply to at least three four-year institutions to ensure that admission is attained for the following year. One should be in your home state.
College Meetings Mrs. Ruark would like to meet with you, individually, in the month of September. Please sign up for a meeting during your study hall.
Homework Schedule meeting with Mrs. Ruark Record Release Form – Due next class Email Mrs. Ruark and Mr. Schnee Final Draft of College Essay by midnight tonight Remember that the word limit is 650