8th Grade Social Studies Thirteen Colonies 8th Grade Social Studies
Massachusetts Puritans and Separatists didn’t like the Anglican church leave on Mayflower to start new colony (Massachusetts) Mayflower Compact 1620 John Winthrop Massachusetts Bay Colony
Rhode Island Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson One of the largest slave trading centers
Connecticut Thomas Hooker From Massachusetts, but didn’t like laws and leadership there Fundamental Orders of Connecticut – all men who were part of the Puritan church could vote, not just landowners
New York James Duke of York takes over New Netherland Became like a dictator Farmers, fishermen, and tradesmen protest high taxes and eventually get their own assembly
Pennsylvania William Penn Quakers – believed in simple lifestyle and in treating all people equally Great Law of 1682 – people of all faiths would be treated equally City of Brotherly Love = Philadephia
Maryland Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore wanted a colony for Catholics When Calvert passed away, his son Cecil eventually started the colony Act Concerning Religion 1649 – religious liberty only for Christians
Virginia Jamestown 1607 – first permanent English settlement Tobacco plantations Cash crops Slavery: more than a quarter of the population were slaves
Georgia James Oglethorpe Oglethorpe raises money to transfer many debtors and criminals to Georgia Rules = no drinking alcohol or owning slaves people didn’t like them