Management Activities PLOC Planning: direction and resources and investors like to see it. Short, Medium and Long
SMART Principles of a plan Specific clear Measurable Agreed by management Realistic Timing timeframe
Types of plans Background to planning = a SWOT Analysis Mission statement: Companies write up what their business stands for. Strategic plans: plan for up to 5 years. Manger to manager Tactical plans = Short term plan
Devise strategy Low cost Niche Differentiation Other types; ManPower planning for existing and future demands. Canflow forecasts
Planning Short term plan might involve workers carrying out a function Contingency planning Back up plan
Barriers to plan: Lazy managers No future, no changes Staff Inflexibility Internal and external factors affect planning
Organizing Arranging resources (employees, machines and money) to maximize objectives Different Structures are: Functional- jobs from top down, answerable to person above Span of control - how many workers per manager. Narrow: less to one manager
Functional structure MD HR Finance Marketing Production Manager Manger More Managers HR Marketing Manger Employees
Line and Staff Different cos specialist like a Human resource manager to engage with each level Use red I.T pen to draw on functional
Matrix Structure and BPR Combine departments staff into project teams report to MD Business Process Re-engineering (BPR): More flexible and allows for sharing of ideas and responsibility. Team leaders in charge of multidisciplinary teams
Quests? Types of planning and explain? Define and give Types of organisation structures? Barriers to planning? Devise strategies? Low Cost leadership ……
Shamrock Structure Flexible workers Core Workers Organisation Customer Contract work
Shamrock Structure Core worker: Nerve center, all equals in teams Flexible and contract: Bring in needed skills part time Customer: Work for the company when they ring after sales, use ATM’s, serve themselves the food etc
Read Product and Geo Structures Advantages of Planning, Organising and Controlling for a business read on p135,142, 148
What the difference between Geo and Prod structures? Advantages of POC?
Control Monitor data and meet objectives e.g control of resources, costs/finance, balance stock, staff, monitor plans How should things be changed to meet Obje Need Measurement systems Control: Quality of Production, impact on society, objectives, resources Balance stock: J.I.T Just In Time delivery. Given when needed.
Steps in controlling Set targets Measure and investigate if on target Make the changes necessary to achieve goals.
Credit Control Set a 30 day limit for example Check credit ratings using stubbs gazette mag. Send bills out on time and discount to clients who pay within the limit. Add interest or take to court if don’t pay.
Quests Define Control? What type of things must you control? What are the steps to control? How can you get credit control?
Questions Name the management activities? What is SMART planning? Other types of plans are…? Barriers to good planning? Explain what control is made up of? Draw a Functional, A Shamrock and a Matrix organisation structure in your copies now! Show mission statements from internet
Conclusion Smart plans POC Planning , Strategy Organisational structures What to control in business e.g credit