Highway engineering a.L Rasha jasim mohamed Al. Rasha j. mohammed 12/6/2017 a.L Rasha jasim mohamed Al. Rasha j. mohammed
Lec.1 Cross section elements What is Road? Roads are defined as routes or paths that begin at one destination and lead to another. Roadway: The portion of a highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use. 12/6/2017 Al. Rasha j. mohammed
Highway Cross Section Elements: divided in two types 12/6/2017 Traveled way (Carriage way): The portion of the roadway, for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders. Highway Cross Section Elements: divided in two types Principle elements 1- Travel Lanes Shoulders Medians Al. Rasha j. mohammed
12/6/2017 2- Secondary elements Roadside Barriers Curbs Right of way Side slopes Cross (Side) Slope or Camber Sidewalks Al. Rasha j. mohammed
12/6/2017 Al. Rasha j. mohammed
12/6/2017 Al. Rasha j. mohammed