Materials: pick up a syllabus (all 3 pages) from the side table and staple IN ORDER! Also grab a half sheet of notebook paper and your name tent Catalyst (5 min): In AT LEAST 3 sentences, answer the following questions on your half sheet: Why are rules/procedures important? If you were the teacher, what are the top 2 rules would you implement in your classroom and why? **REMEMBER THE FIRST 5! 1. Silent 2. Materials from side table 3. Find Seat 4. Homework Out 5. Begin Catalyst
Elite Eight Trait Check-Up Respect the Threshold Be Prepared (2 min)
Class Motto If there is a problem, We look for a solution. If there is a better way, We find it. If we need help, We ask. If a teammate needs help, We give.
Objectives SWBAT explain all class policies and procedures given in the syllabus. SWBAT recognize violations of our code of conduct and what # of demerits are warranted per violation. SWBAT receive reminder texts and announcements through REMIND 101
Syllabus Day! Follow along as we go over what you can expect this semester! This syllabus is to be hole punched and put in your Biology Binder.
Grading CHECK UP: What is our BIG GOAL?!
Class Rules Be on time Be respectful Be responsible Be prepared Be productive
Demerit Hierarchy 1. Verbal Reminder 2. Private Conversation 3. Phone Call Home 4. Detention 5. Referral and Removal In a week: 5 = phone call home 7 = detention 10= referral
Demerit System: Level 1
Demerit System: Level 2
Demerit System: Level 3
Demerit System: Level 4
Bathroom You get 3 emergency passes (to be used at the appropriate time) Once they are gone.. THEY ARE GONE!
Late Homework Homework will be accepted 1 SCHOOL DAY after it is due. 10% deducted from grade
Absent Work Policy Consult with another student in the class to see what was missed Look at Student Station for absent student folder to obtain materials. Sign out materials on log
Class Website Http:// CHECK IT OUT!
Remind 101 Period 1: Text @10b08 to (470) 296-2303 Period 2: Text @1e06 to (470) 296-2303 Period 4: Text @15b5d to (470) 296-2303 Period 5: Text @b75a79 to (470) 296-2303 Period 6: Text @488f3 to (470) 296-2303 Period 7: Text @67ec7 to (470) 296-2303
Action Items 1 ½ inch binder and notebook paper due FRIDAY Parent Letter and Survey (last page of syllabus) due FRIDAY LATE HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW (10% deduction)
Getting to Know Ms. Nay
Team Building Activity Beachball! I will start Read the question that your right thumb lands closest to. If you have the same answer as the person who read the question, STAND UP. Choose a person that stood up to toss the ball to. REMEMBER, keep answers appropriate!!!!
Panther Pass On back of your Catalyst, answer the following questions: What is one BIG GOAL for our class as a whole this year? After how many demerits will you receive a call home? Name one way you are INDIVIDUALLY rewarded in this class? When can late homework be turned in? How much will be deducted from your grade? What is due on Friday??? (2 different items)