Is it surfing the web or drowning in the web? Internet Addiction Is it surfing the web or drowning in the web? By: Anna DiNoto
What is Internet addiction? Definition Not in DSM-IV-TR Will it be for DSM-IV-V? Rumors, but no sufficient data suggesting it will be “In attempts to scientifically study Internet addiction, some researchers have chosen to define the new concept according to the definition of substance use disorder, while others have reasoned that pathological gambling is a more suitable reference (Kaltiala-Heino, Lintonen & Rimpela, 2004).” “Is a broad term that covers a wide variety of behaviors and impulse control problems (Young, 1999).” Includes five categories Cybersexual addiction Cyber-relationship addiction Net compulsions Information overload Computer addiction I thought it was going to be hard to find information about this, because it isn’t a diagnosable disorder, however, I ended up finding a lot of information and there is a lot of research that has been and is currently, being conducted on this problem. And there is even talk about it being put in the new DSM-V Cybersexual addiction: compulsive use of adult websites for cybersex and cyberporn. Cyber-relationship addiction: Over-involvement in online relationships. Net compulsions: Obsessive online gambling, shopping or day-trading. Information overload: Compulsive web surfing or database searches. Computer addiction: Obsessive computer game playing (e.g., Doom, Myst, Solitaire etc.).
Prevalence rates (in other countries) South Korea (Block, 2008) Most serious public health issue (in South Korea) 10 reported deaths (due to cardio-pulmonary reasons) Several Internet game-related murders 1.2 million school age children (6-19 yrs) Believed to be at-risk and need basic therapy As of 2007 1,043 counselors have been trained in treating and assessing Internet addiction 190 hospital and treatment centers created Preventative measures in schools China (Block, 2008) Estimated 10 million children addicted In 2007, China restricted computer game use Current laws prohibit more than 3 hours of daily game use A lot of the research I found was conducted in Asian countries, where Internet café’s are prevalent and commonly used. And this is how Internet addiction was measured.
Prevalent rates (in America) Accessed from home, hard to operationally measure (Block, 2008) Some are ashamed, in denial or minimize his or her use Telephone survey conducted on adults (Aboujaoude, Koran, Gamel, Large, & Serpe, 2006) 2,513 adults 14% of respondents found it hard to abstain from Internet use for several days 5.9% said excessive Internet use affected their relationships 8.2% said the Internet was a means of escape from the real world 3.7% felt preoccupied by the Internet when offline Unlike China and South Korea, where Internet cafes are prevalent, and Internet use and therefore easier to measure, in America, we use it in the privacy of our homes
Prevalence contd. (in America) Prevalence estimates vary widely, although a recent random telephone survey of the general US population reported an estimate of 0.3-0.7% (Shaw & Black, 2008). Onset reportedly occurring in early 20s, and earlier Surveys show that over 60% of American households have at least one PC (U.S. Census Bureau, 2005). Nearly 55% of households are connected to the Internet.
Possible causes Triple A Engine (Cooper, 1998) Accessibility Affordability Anonymity The ACE Model (Young, 1996) Convenience Escape Accessibility- 24/7 Affordability- easy access to free downloads Anonymity- people don’t know who you are
Risks & problems associated with Internet addiction Frustration intolerance/Emotional dysregulation (Ko, Yen, Yen, Chen & Wang, 2007) Male adolescents with Internet addiction had higher intolerance to frustration of entitlement and emotional discomfort. Female adolescents with it had higher intolerance to emotional discomfort and lower tolerance to frustration of achievement. Diagnoses, problems & comorbidity Depression & Social Introversion (Widyanto & Griffiths, 2006) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Yoo et al., 2004) Social Phobia & depression (Yen, Ko, Yen, Wu, & Yang, 2007) Sex addiction, i.e., cybersexual addiction/cyber affairs (Young et. Al., 2000) Gambling (Potera, 1998) Compulsive buying (Raab & Neuner, 2006) Illegal activity (Hall & Parsons, 2001)
Assessment (Cash & Parker, 2007) Internet/Computer Addiction Services Signs & symptoms of gaming addiction Founded in 1999 Redmond, WA. Hilarie Cash, PhD and Jay Parker, CDP
Treatment (Cash & Parker, 2007) The 12 Step Model (used in the No More Secrets Program for sex and love addicts) Alcoholics Anonymous Qualifications: Desire to stop living out a pattern of addiction Required to attend 12-step meetings Participation in individual and group therapy To counter addiction, the focus is put on three major resources: The willingness to stop acting out in our own, personal bottom-line (i.e. addictive) behavior on a daily basis. Practicing the 12-Step program of recovery to achieve sobriety. Developing a relationship with a Power greater than ourselves which can guide us and sustain us in recovery. The Harm-Reduction Model (used in the Gaming and Internet Treatment Program for video game addicts) The treatment is tailored to the gamer and the situation. Individual, group, family, and couple's counseling are used as needed. The 12-Step Treatment for Internet and Computer Addiction is based on the model pioneered by Alchoholics Anonymous. The only qualification for this treatment is a desire to stop living out a pattern of addiction. Because 12-Step programs already exist for sex and love addicts, participants in the No More Secrets Program are required to attend 12-step meetings, as well as participating in individual and group therapy. In treating children and teenagers, parents are taught how to regain control of the computers, set appropriate limits and improve their relationships with their children. Gamers and their parents are educated about the nature of gaming addiction and the difficulties faced when addicted gamers go through withdrawal and then struggle to learn how to live well in the real world. If a formal intervention is indicated, then help is sought through an Intervention Specialist. The younger a child is when treatment is sought, the easier it is to bring gaming behavior to within healthy limits of time and content. Couple's Counseling helps couples rebuild a relationship damaged by gaming. As with any addiction, the addict's primary relationship evolves into a relationship to the "drug of choice" -- in this case, video games. Over time, the partnership disintegrates, following certain predictable patterns. If both halves of the partnership are willing to rebuild, they can do so only once the addictive behaviors are ended or adequately controled. Some gamers have other problems which must be addressed. For instance, our program has a counselor who specializes in Asperger's Syndrome, offering individual, group and family counseling. If a client has any problem which might require medication (such as severe depression, ADHD, or Bipolar Disorder) the appropriate referral is made.