Gilded Age 1.2
2/3 of all homesteaders failed to farm their land The Farming Bonanza 2/3 of all homesteaders failed to farm their land The U.S. gov’t offered incentives for farmers to settle the West: Homestead Act (1862)—gave 160 acres of land if families pledged to live there for 5 years Other gov’t acts helped develop western lands by planting trees & building irrigation systems Due to land grants, RRs were the largest western landowners 500 million acres doled to businesses but only 80 million to homesteaders
The Farming Bonanza A pioneer sod house In 1870, homesteaders pushed West & adapted to the harsh farming conditions: Farmers used dry farming techniques & planted tougher varieties of wheat New machinery sped harvesting & planting; led to bonanza farms By 1890, the U.S. became a major crop exporter A pioneer sod house
In 1900, the West made up 30% of the U.S. population (was 1% in 1850) Homestead Sales, 1870-1940 In 1900, the West made up 30% of the U.S. population (was 1% in 1850)
Exodusters Exodusters were black farmers who moved West to escape Southern crop liens & Jim Crow Laws
Rails Across the Continent In 1862, Congress authorized the transcontinental railroad: Union Pacific worked westward from Nebraska (Irish laborers) Central Pacific worked eastward from CA (Chinese immigrants) May 10, 1869 the 2 tracks met at Promontory Point in Utah By 1900, 4 more lines were built to the Pacific 1869 is same year as Suez Canal completion—similar effects; both opened access & tie two worlds together 7
Irish workers made up a large percentage of laborers on the eastern section Chinese workers made up a large percentage of laborers on the western leg 1st transcontinental railroad connected the west coast to eastern cities in 1869
Federal Land Grants to Railroads by 1871 The national gov’t doled $65 million & millions of acres in land grants (received reduced rates for shipping)
The Transcontinental Railroad “Pullman cars” & “refrigeration cars” In 1870, RR companies developed the 1st time zones to better schedule the RR system; the US would not adopt time zones until 1918
Railroad Construction, 1830-1920
Essential Question: Reading Quiz Ch 18A (p.606-625) What economic, political, & migratory factors led to the end of the western frontier by 1890? Reading Quiz Ch 18A (p.606-625) Lesson Plan for Friday, November 21, 2008: RQ 18A, Finish the American West notes