Presenter: Tim Genecco


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Presentation transcript:

Presenter: Tim Genecco The Crease Controlling the Chaos Presenter: Tim Genecco

Summary of Discussion Position - Anticipate - Control Goalie Interference Crease Violations Flag down vs Play on Quick Restarts Considerations Diving Jumping Grounded

Position No one behind you Anticipate at all times string constantly be safe but close enough to see feet, touches, entire ball across goal line ball must completely cross the entire goal line prior to player touching anything inside the crease Anticipate at all times Note player tendency - get to GLE near end of quarters watch no angle shots be aware of situation Control the situation! blow the whistle first, stop the madness technical foul vs personal foul where do you restart count and start your beeper Importance of Counts: In transition, you have the Visual 10 Count as it comes into zone 4. Huge Over & Back Implications. Once the defense gains possession, you have the goalie’s 4 Count and the new 20 second count.

Be on or near GLE- but be SAFE! Did the ball cross all the way into the goal? Over the line all the way? Clamping the ball on the goal line. Did it hit the inside of the bottom bar. Did it hit the crossbar and then come down and bounce in the goal? Above On Below

Situations Ball loose OUTSIDE the crease: Offense team can Kick or flick the ball in to the goal Check the goalies stick that is outside crease Body check defender within 5 yards Defender can not play goalie- only properly equipped goalie Offensive player can be legally body checked in to the crease- includes pick that is not seen by defender Ball loose INSIDE the crease: offense can’t step in crease initiate contact with goalies crosse or any part of him illegally contact defender Following Through – Has to be a normal throwing motion. Goalie can be called for a slash if it’s violent. Anticipate & Watch his point of focus. Goalie can’t initiate contact with an offensive player and expect an interference call.

Ball loose inside the crease Offense allowed to reach in to crease to bat ball in to goal (can’t touch goalie or goal) reach crosse in to pull ball back or bat out of crease Ball loose outside of crease: offense can’t cover ball with crosse step in crease hold defender’s stick against body step on goalie/defender’s stick Make sure the ball goes in the goal before you blow your whistle. Definition of a Goal. Misconceptions – “It hit 3 pipes”

Interference & Crease Violations

Restarts In & Around the Crease Blow whistle loudly, point and verbalize! If the offense is getting the ball: Start it in the alley (End Line Exceptions) Goalie gets 5 seconds to return to the crease no player from either team within 5 yards If the ball gets stuck in the mud or in the goalies equipment. In the crease – give it to the defense Outside the crease – Alternate Possession

Restarts continued If the defense is getting the ball: It can restart anywhere, including the crease If the ball was loose, they just get possession If they had possession, they get a free clear Always Get a 5 yard buffer from all other players-including players outside the crease when goalie is restarting inside (COUNT)

NOT ALLOWED carry a ball into the crease Offensive player in crease when goal scored Goalie can’t hold the ball in the crease Goalie can’t touch the ball at all outside the crease with hand- can bat ball but not pick up with hand inside crease Field players cannot jump into the crease with perceived intent of blocking shot Strike 1 – Conduct Foul Strike 2 – Releasable Unsportsmanlike Conduct

When is a goal not a goal? Shot released after period ends, regardless of whistle Any offensive player is in the crease Offense releases a penalty early or has too many men Offense is offside or both teams are offside Shot after a whistle has sounded, even if inadvertent The shooter’s head flies off his stick Flag Down or Play On because of the team on offense Scoring player’s crosse is illegal or he adjusts it Shot is released after the horn – new rule this year. Good if it goes like Basketball A goal will be allowed if the shot is released prior to the end of the period Ball can tip off of the defense or goalie after the horn and still count. But once the horn sounds no offensive player can touch the ball.

Goal not a goal? Grounded vs. Jumping/Diving Offensive player touches the goalie, the goal or the net Offense timeout or penalty even if goal is before whistle Shooter dives or jumps and lands in crease Did he try to ground but get pushed from behind? Grounded vs. Jumping/Diving Sequencing Ball Enters Goal vs. Player Enters Crease Did the shooter jump? NFL Sideline Comparison If an attacking player, in possession of the ball and outside the crease area, dives or jumps (Becomes airborne of his own volition ), prior to, during or after the release of the shot and lands in the crease, the goal shall be disallowed. An attacking player may leagally score a goal and touch the crease area, provided the ball enters the goal before the contact with the crease and his feed were grounded prior to, during and after the shot.