Spelling Test on Friday Contact Us Conference Time: M-W,F 12:15-1:05 Phone: (903) 737-7458 FB Page: Justiss 1st Grade Crew laura.chesshire@parisisd.net (GT/ELAR/ Reading//Writing) kimmy.rhodes@parisisd.net (Math/Science/Social Studies) ashley.langston@parisisd.net (Self-Contained, All subjects) 1st Grade Crew News March 11-15, 2019 yytyt A Note From Your Captains This Friday is the last day to order your 2018-2019 Yearbook! See Mrs. Judy in the front office. Come join us at 8:30 for the Talent Show on Friday! PARIS ISD PARENT SURVEY IS HERE! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ParisParent2019 15- Talent Show @8:30am 18-22 Spring Break 27- Report cards go home April 1-5 Book Fair 11- Spring Pictures 12- Snow Cone Day---bring $1 18- 1st Grade Program “Wizard of Oz” @9am and 6pm 19 & 22- Weather Day (no school) Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30am Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm in the library. Anchored in Learning v Sort and find common features of environmental print, review main idea of stories read aloud and purpose of media of advertisements. Fluency Story: Phonics: spelling with the double rule and dropping rule, ghost letters (kn, gn, wr), rule v|cv part 2 Students will practice alphabetizing words to the first and second letter. Reading & Phonics Writing Math Science Social Studies Students will explore 3D shapes and discuss their attributes. Students will practice adding three digit numbers. Students will continue to classify living and nonliving objects. Students will continue explore the different jobs that people do in our community and how they benefit their families. Sight Words: once, again, today, together, tomorrow Spelling Test on Friday even, for, by, say, point, nation, sliding, September, carnation, portion *answer *only Sentence: Please eat after you clean your jeans.