Industrial Stormwater Evaluating Industrial Stormwater Programs in Los Angeles County Client: LA Waterkeeper Advised by: Dr. Felicia Federico Research Conducted By: Sarah Chiang, Marina Lindsay, Gabrielle Ruxin, Jacqueline Salem
Current Conditions ~85% of LA County assessed rivers, streams and shorelines are impaired for one or more pollutants 65% impacted by pathogens/fecal indicator bacteria 40% impacted by metals 25% impacted by trash Marina UCLA 2015 Environmental Report Card
Current Conditions
Context: Previous Studies “Compton Creek Assessment of Industrial Stormwater Pollution” Not all facilities sampled as required (2x) Many samples exceeded Numeric Action Levels (NALs) “Geographic Study of Industrial Stormwater Pollution Sources in the Dominguez Channel Watershed” Not all industrial sites submitted pollutant data Both studies found there are many unregistered facilities previous works focused on facility compliance and permit enrollment, our focus has shifted to municipalities’ responsibilities in enforcing compliance among these facilities
Program Implementation Overview FOCUS: Industrial Facilities Program (IFP) required by the LA County MS4 permit, focusing solely on industry. Assess Program Implementation Evaluate Effectiveness Recommend Improvements GIS DATA introduce acronym
City Selection Population Size: % Industry: Gabby % industry not easily available- had to combine datasets from SCAG and city boundaries
Methodology: IFP acronym
MS4 Requirements for the Industrial Facilities Program “Focus” Elements 1. Do they have a Critical Source Inventory? 2. Established system for fining violators? 3. Do cities check that BMP implementation is up to municipal standards? 4. Have cities notified facility owners of applicable BMP requirements at least once during the MS4 permit period? 5. Do cities have a Business Assistance Program? 6. Do cities have a separate stormwater hotline? Sarah
City Resources and Communication Elements 1. Municipality Demographics A. What is the population size? B. What is the percent of industrial land use? C. What is the number of facilities with IGP? (facilities reporting to CIWQS) D. What is the average income? 2. Budget Information A. What is the average budget for the municipality? B. Is there a budget for a stormwater program (Y/N) C. If yes, what is the stormwater budget? 3. Ease of Accessing Information on Municipality Website A. General Information about Stormwater (Y/N) B. Link to Stormwater Permits (Y/N) C. Link to County/State Website (Y/N) D. Any Community Outreach Programs Advertised? (Y/N) E. Is the website offered in more than one language? (Y/N) F. Contact information posted (Y/N) Jackie City Resources and Communication
Results: City Resources and Communication (Budget Information) Average Budget spent on MS4 is 3.3% Jackie Lookes at the budget finding the percent of the MS4 budget out of the General Fund Budget Right skewed distribution - a few large values create higher average Highest - Inglewood - one of the highest stormwater budgets (spent on trash collection) Artesia - Industry - mostly industrial Most cities spend less than 2.5% of budget on MS4 Averages of low, medium, high
Results: City Resources and Communication (Website Information) 24% have links to Stormwater Permits 35% of the cities have General Stormwater Information Posted on their Website 28% are offered in more than one language 28% have a link to the County/State Website Jackie based on our selected criteria No one had 100% highest cities were Santa Monica and Long Beach with 83% (⅚) 9 cities had none of the criteria including cities with large industry like Cudahy and Santa Fe Springs Averages for low medium high At the bottom, put line with 0% to 100% list few cities Santa Monica, Long Beach Cudahy, Santa Fe Springs 0% 100% 83%
Results: MS4 Requirements for IFP Gabby
Results: MS4 Requirements for IFP Quality of data for many elements=low (N/A answers) 3 cities have focus requirement scores of 100% Average city score was <50% for 4 out of 6 focus requirements Santa Monica El Monte Los Angeles Gabby- quality of data = low 1 focus element with N/A for >50% of cities evaluated annual report template didn’t match MS4 requirements -2 focus elements with >50% are critical source inventory, which aren’t even attached (also no facility database necessary in annual report!) & check BMPs are up to standards (typically just in chart, not described in detail) Santa Monica: (medium industry, large size) El Monte: (large industry, large size) Los Angeles: (medium industry, large outlier) No strong correlations between MS4 criteria completion and size or percent industry
Compliance Parameters: CIWQS Marina
Compliance Data Results Marina
take the key at the bottom and put it in the upper right hand corner and expand the range *total facilities under IGP
What does this tells us? -No perfect program -Few non-violating facilities -Cities with over 50% violations, facilities violate more often disclaimer* only 3 facilities in Bell
Cities meeting >60% IFP “focus” requirements have less than 40% violating facilities in the past 5 years Sarah
Takeaways -cant access files Sarah: Words to put into smart art chart: communication: [Facilities ←→ cities] •Lack of permit info •Lack of stormwater information •Website languages access: [public ←→ RWQCB] •CIWQS search •SMARTS connection •Information hierarchy reporting [cities ← → RWQCB] •Outdated Annual Report * •No online access •Updated facilities list -cant access files -ms4 annual reports unavailable (easily for the public), ms4 needs conversion, annual reports don’t match ms4 -driving -hard to find information on city websites, many websites didn’t have much stormwater info, if any -hard to find compliance data -no data portals with all info we wanted actual enforcement?
Provide toolkit to cities with standardized information. Recommendation: Provide toolkit to cities with standardized information. Standardize how information is presented on city websites Possibly use tier system (S, M, L) Website Toolkit Coded Webpage Compatible Database Server Options Business owners should be able to find relevant information about stormwater and info about stormwater permits with relevant links Easily Accessible LA is diverse - Many different languages spoken in LA - websites should be offered in multiple languages use tier system because different cities have different industrial composition - low medium high Access to information and relevant links
The Stormwater Toolkit:
Prepared by: Taban Sharifi, Kaitlyn Heck, Carly Messex, Danny Wong, Alvaro Wong, and James Judelson
Recommendation: Standardize city databases and check requirements. Provide cities with with database options. Excel, Software purchases, etc. Communication amongst cities. Check for database requirements in annual report. throw in a screenshot of el monte’s list from their report
Recommendation: Update Database services and content. Improve ease-of-use More search fields, one integrated search page with all options, accuracy markers on official data. Improve content More definitions of who reports and what is reported. Improve communication streams Ideally: Get to a generalized data portal where all city databases feed into CIWQS. challenging to evaluate effectiveness of the programs - hard to differentiate inspections conclusion acknowledgements that they’re working on it already. not correlation, but we worked with what we were given. synthesize points and recap. STANDARDIZATION clean-up reporting structure consistency check up on requirement
Standardize, update, and streamline MS4 requirement evaluation. Recommendation: Standardize, update, and streamline MS4 requirement evaluation. Update annual report template [In Progress] Reflection of MS4 permit requirements Standardization of reporting with possible tiers based on municipality’s industrial activity Allow public access to most recent annual reports Gabby -We understand you are already in the process, but updating the annual report template for a more relevant and complete reporting mechanism will allow for a better understanding of the current state of compliance
Thank you for the data and your time.
On behalf of our adviser, clients, and the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, we thank you for meeting with us. We look forward to seeing more improvements develop in this area of study. Sarah
Additional Information: *note- no one in 4th quadrant- (highest industry and lowest focus score %) makes sense as cities with less industry probably put less focus on stormwater pollution prevention/ MS4 requirements “Focus” requirement correlation scatterplot by industry
List of MS4 “Focus” Requirements for IFP Focus Element: Critical source inventory System for fining violators Check BMPs are up to standards Notify owners of BMP requirements at least once Business Assistance Program Separate Stormwater Hotline Average Score: 2.8 (93.3%) 0.5 (24%) 3.3 (65.6%) 1.3 (44.7%) 1.9 (38%) 1.4 (34.5%) Total Weighted Score: 5 (100%) 2 (40%) 3 (60%) 4 (80%) · Quality Score: 5 1 3 · Importance Score: