Unit 9 Words 1-10 By: Lindsey Savill
Highlight: Suitable Quick to learn (synonym) appropriate Apt
Awry Suffix: -y Highlight: In a turned or twisted position or direvtion Wrong Awry
Bludgeon Highlight: A short club used as a weapon To strike with a heavy club Bludgeon
Suffix: -ate Highlight: To end resistance Give up Capitulate
Chafe Highlight: To warm up by rubbing Annoy To strain or press against A sore or injury caused by rubbing Chafe
Defile Prefix: -de Suffix: -ile Highlight: To make unclean or dirty Destroy the purity of March in a single line A narrow passage Defile
Dire Highlight: Causing fear or suffering Demanding immediate action to avoid disaster Dire
Disarming Prefix: -dis Suffix: -ing Highlight(All): Charming Tending to soften unfriendliness or suspicion Disarming
Prefix: -dis Suffix: -ed Highlight: In bad humor Annoyed Disgruntled
Highlight: Trespass Encroach