Copyright & Fair Use What You Need to Know!
What is Copyright & Fair Use? Let's Take a Look
Copyright What is it? The creator of the original work will be granted legal protection of authorship that is fixed in the tangible form What is protected under copyright? Literature Music Magazines & Newspaper Movies Website content & databases Photography
Allows users to build upon and share work that was created by others Includes: companies, institutions, and individuals Within the boundaries of copyright law, work can be copied, edited, and distributed. When someone creates a work and publishes it to the Web or any other place, the work is automatically copyrighted by default Creative Commons
6 Creative Commons Licenses Attribution: User must credit the original creator Share alike: User can change original work and whatever you create, you must share and you must give credit to original creator Non-Commercial: User can change original work but only for non-commercial use; doesn’t need to be licensed No derivative work: Cannot change the original work but it can be used commercially and non-commercially; credit the creator Non-Commercial –Share alike: Work can be changed for non-commercial use, credit the creator and license new work under the same terms Non-commercial –No Derivatives: Most restrictive; can’t change work, but can be shared as long as creator is credited
Allows for a person to use a limited portion of a copyrighted work for a certain purpose without needing permission Purposes are: Teaching Scholarly research Reporting news Criticism Comment Fair Use Know the Facts
4 Fair Use Factors 1: Purpose & Character 2: Nature Is it going to be used commercially? for non-profit education? 2: Nature What is the copyrighted work about? Is it a musical composition? Movie? fact-based work? Is it current and available? 3: Amount & Portion How much of the original work are you using? (Too much could fall out of fair use) 4: Effect: What is going to happen to the value of the copyrighted work? 4 Fair Use Factors
What is the Difference? Plagiarism Piracy Reproducing any portion of a copyrighted work without permission Copying work word for word Misrepresenting the authors work Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material mainly CDs, DVDs, video games, and software
The ABC Guidelines for Intellectual Property Avoid plagiarism - There are ways of avoiding plagiarism while doing research on the Internet; this would include proper documentation of sources, learning about fair use and copyright law… Be original - It is important to understand what it means to create original material, and what it means to plagiarize someone’s work… Cite sources - It is important to develop an efficient approach to citing and keeping track of Internet sources that you use… The ABC Guidelines for Intellectual Property
Citing Sources What is it? It’s the process of giving credit to the sources you used to write your paper. Citations can be located in the text or at the end of the work in a bibliography. Use this rule of thumb: If you knew a piece of information before you started doing research, generally you do not need to credit it. You also do not need to cite well-known facts, such as dates, which can be found in many encyclopedias. All other information such as quotations, statistics, and ideas should always be cited in your papers. Choose a formatting style APA, MLA, AMA, etc. Create a list of cited sources the you use Author, Title, Date, Pages, Publisher, Where it was published, Title of Periodical, Volume, Website, etc.
Citations in APA format: Examples Citations in APA format: Book: Jennings, C. (2000). The hundredth window: Protecting your privacy and security in the age of the Internet. New York: Free Press. Article: Higgins, M. (1999). High tech, low privacy. ABA Journal, 85, 52-58. Web page: Computer and Internet Security. (2000). Retrieved March 24, 2002, from Library of Congress Web site:
Online citation managers EasyBib The Free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Maker Zotero a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself. NoodleTools NoodleBib is the Web's most comprehensive and accurate MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian bibliography composer with fully-integrated note-taking. BibMe The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the easiest way to build a works cited page. And it's free. Citation Machine Citation Machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information that they use. Its primary goal is to make it so easy for student researchers to cite their information sources. Online citation managers An easy way to go to keep track of all of your references.