Discussion of Library Best Practices for Dual Credit Presenters Kaethryn Duncan Norman Howden
The Environment On campus & Off campus locations On campus all day, half day, never HS librarians lack access to the schedule
Our Obligation Students deserve support “When offered at high school sites or on-line, dual credit students should have access to sufficient and appropriate library/learning resources for the courses offered (CR 2.9, CS 3.8.1, CS 3.8.2).” - Bell Wheelan, May 2016 “The institution provides (a) student and faculty access and user privileges to its library services and (b) access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources.” – SACS Principles 2018 Support “signature assignments” that feed assessment
So where do we start? Service infrastructure Reference accessibility Materials loans Instruction materials Research guides Access online – not trivial
Then what? Marketing Contact Materials Shared meetings Onsite meetings Follow up Supplies
What we’ve done - Infrastructure Librarians on Dual Credit Committee Marketing materials – pocket cards Instructional materials - handouts Research Guides – more inclusive
What we’ve done - Outreach Obtained lists – school librarians, classes offered Assigned schools to each librarian Developed a best practices document Attend meetings where possible
Best Practices – DCCCD document Contact the librarian in each high school served by dual credit courses from your College. Provide the following information: Available databases through DCCCD & access info Access to find ebooks Access to read online magazines Research guides How to request book loans for students Hours and locations for DCCCD libraries Ask a Librarian Availability of in-person support for class orientations Sharing of class-specific orientation materials Contact information for college librarians
Best Practices – DCCCD document Marketing materials Attend meetings Dual Credit research guide Faculty research guide
Is that enough? Thoughts? Questions?