Central Division Senior Program Central Division 2007 Fall Meeting Kalamazoo, Michigan
Central Division Senior Program Central Division 2007 Fall Meeting Kalamazoo, Michigan
Introduction……Darcy Hanley Contact Information darcy@zoomtown.com 513-545-6050 Home Area: Perfect North Slopes, Ohio Region NSP Activity 16 Years in NSP, 15 years senior patroller Past PNS Patrol Rep Certified candidate Toboggan IT Candidate trainer OEC instructor PSIA Level II Administrative Assistant to Ohio Region Ski School
Senior Program Short Term Goal Develop a Quality Assurance (Q/A) process for the Senior Alpine Program Invite RD’s, current division Q/A staff and region senior alpine evaluation staff to 2007 Division Alpine Clinic Boyne Highlands, December 8-9 Granite Peak, December 15-16 Collaborate on Q/A “Recipe for Success” All participants will become familiar with the Q/A Feedback form in the senior manual Develop procedures to address questions/issues during a senior evaluation Deadline: Proposal submitted to board at the spring meeting
Senior Program Long Range Goals Develop a syllabus for the Senior Training and Calibration DVD Promote and encourage participation in Senior program generate pamphlet for region use Develop goals and for future Division Alpine Clinics
Thanks! To Chris Moe for her leadership and commitment to the senior program and the development of the manual To the board for giving me the opportunity to continue the implementation of the senior alpine manual through the division To the PR’s who pass the word along and engage the local patrols in the senior program