Busy Bees Ms. Csipak
Last Class We learned last class that successful students: Brainstorm!
This has to do with: Time Management! According to Psychology Today: “Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours in your day to effectively accomplish your goals.”
Time Management cont. Poor Time management: Skills you need to manage your time: Poor time management can be related to: Procrastination Problems with self-control Planning for the future Setting goals Prioritizing tasks Monitoring where your time actually goes.
So what is time management? Turn to the person next to you and: define what time management is What poor time management can be related to What skills you need to manage your time
Why should you care? Benefits of good time management: You will feel more in control of how you spend your time You will be in control of your own stress levels: - if you choose to do an assignment ahead of time in smaller chunks, rather than procrastinate… You can make time to see friends, and do work which = - You don’t want to be hanging out with a friend and constantly thinking about an assignment you haven’t started.
How does time management benefit you? Turn to the person next to you and tell them how time management can help you
How busy are you? With one other person, make a list of all of the things that you have to do after school each day Next to each activity write the amount of time it takes each day Examples: OBLIGATORY weekly things like things your parents ask you to do, usual chores, if you have to go see family, if you have to babysit, instrument practice, play a sport, volunteer activities, time in transit to and from school… `
Your weekly schedule! Fill in the calendar using the list of all of the activities you have to do during the week WITHOUT homework and school work. What do you notice about your time left to do school work?