Geoscience Education Research at a Two-Year College: Colleagues in Research Karen Kortz
Geoscience education research fits in well at a 2YC Learn: What students know How they learn Why they don’t learn Apply that knowledge 2YCs emphasize education
Creating Colleagues at my 2YC Lead workshops Connect with faculty in other departments who are interested in best teaching practices Mini projects with students Honors projects, grant-funded research
Creating Colleagues in the Broader Geoscience Community Made connections Meetings/workshops (e.g. GSA) Had conversations Made more connections Had good luck Right place and time Similar interests Synchronized needs Worked hard
How This Has Helped Me Given me a “department” Personal satisfaction Discuss issues or questions I am not alone Personal satisfaction Resources
What Might Be Done to Enhance Support More workshops encouraging discussions and collaborations Create opportunities for 2YC and 4YC to interact More opportunities increase the likelihood of making a lasting connection