How do you define aggression? 1. Behavior intended to hurt another person (Freedman). 2. Any behavior whose intent is to inflict harm or injury on another living being (McGee & Wilson). 3. Behavior that is intended to injure another person (physically or verbally) or to destroy property (Atkinson, Atkinson, & Hilgard). 4. Any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy (Myers). 5. A response that delivers noxious stimuli to another organism (Buss).
Where does aggression come from? Biological influences Genetic Animals that have been bred for aggression Identical twins –vs– Fraternal twins
Where does aggression come from? Biological influences Neural Influences No single spot in the brain controls aggression Surgically implanted electrodes in brains of animals and humans will either inhibit or facilitate aggressive behavior
Where does aggression come from? Biological influences Biochemical Influences Testosterone circulates through the bloodstream and influences the neural systems that control aggression
Where does aggression come from? It’s a guy thing.
Where does aggression come from? Biological influences Biochemical Influences Testosterone circulates through the bloodstream and influences the neural systems that control aggression As men age, testosterone levels diminish, as does aggression Alcohol reduces impulse control and unleashes aggressive responses to frustration
Where does aggression come from? Biological influences Genetic Neural Biochemical Psychological & Social-Cultural influences
Where does aggression come from? Psychological & Social-Cultural influences Aversive Events Frustration-aggression principle: frustration (blocking of a goal), creates anger which can generate aggression Aversive stimuli such as hot temperatures, pain, insults, foul odors, crowding, etc. can also evoke hostility
Where does aggression come from?
Where does aggression come from? Psychological & Social-Cultural influences Reinforcement and Modeling Children whose aggression successfully intimidates others become bullies. Parents of delinquent youth who “give in” to tears or lies are rewarding them Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment Children of aggressive parents tend to be more aggressive
Where does aggression come from? Psychological & Social-Cultural influences Media Models for Violence Repeatedly watching on-screen violence teaches us social scripts. These are “mental files” that act as guides for how to act in various situations. Music lyrics, films, and violent video games also teach social scripts.
Where does aggression come from? Psychological & Social-Cultural influences Media Models for Violence Pornography viewing correlates with increased aggression Repeated exposure to pornography effects: Partner seems less attractive Extramarital sex less troubling Sexual aggression perceived as less serious Those who watch pornography tend to believe the rape myth.
Where does aggression come from? Psychological & Social-Cultural influences Media Models for Violence University men who spent the most hours playing violent video games tended to be more physically aggressive People with extensive experience in violent video gaming display desensitization to violence
Where does aggression come from? Norwegian Anders Breivik bombed buildings in Oslo, then went to a youth camp where he shot and killed 69 people. “I see MW2 (Modern Warfare 2) more as a part of my simulation training than anything else.”
Where does aggression come from? Biological influences: Genetic influences Biochemical influences such as testosterone and alcohol Neural influences such as a head injury Psychological influences: Dominating behavior Frustration Aggressive role models Reward for aggressive behavior Aggressive Behavior Social-cultural influences: Deindividuation Challenging environment Minimal father involvement Exposure to violent media Rejected from a group