Final Exam Elements Multiple Choice Questions Book Related Questions (60 Questions) Research Related Questions (15 Questions) Essential Questions 4 Short Answer Questions
Research Related Questions We will work on our projects after review this section
Thesis Statement The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. The thesis statement usually appears near the beginning of a paper. It most frequently appears at or near the end of the first paragraph or two.
MLA Style Citations Book Author's last name, Author’s first name. Title of book. Publication city: Publisher, year. print. Database Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Title of article.” Title of journal or magazine. Volume. Issue (Year): Pages. Title of database. Date of access.
If no author, include editor, or designer if available Citations cont… If no author, include editor, or designer if available Website Author's last name, Author’s first name. "Title of specific article or page." Title of website. Date of posting/revision. Publisher/sponsor of website. Date of publication. web. Date of access. Parenthetical Citation: (Author’s Last Name page #) If no author then include the first three words of the article or website If no page then leave it blank
MLA Paper Formatting Double Spaced. .5” Page Number In Header 1” Name, Teacher, Class, Date Ransom 1 Jessica Ransom Mrs. Hamilton English 9-3 5 January 2014 How to Format a Research Paper Using MLA Citation Style When formatting a research paper it is important to use the Modern Language Associations guidelines for formatting. 1” Double Spaced. No extra spaces between paragraphs or the title.
Quoting vs. Paraphrasing Quote: Words taken directly from the text…not written by you. Use sparingly…when it can not be said any better. You should not quote more then a sentence worth of info. Paraphrase: Your summary of another’s words or ideas. When referencing information in large quantities. Both must be cited!
Parenthetical Citation Notecard Keyword _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________ Place your quotation or paraphrase in this space. Each notecard should only contain one main idea. (Williams 6). ____________________ Source # Parenthetical Citation Outline Location
Book Snapshot Project Your project should address… Title: What is the meaning of title? Key Characters & Brief description of each character and their role in the story. Plot Summary (may use diagram or write in paragraph) What themes are found in the text and what lesson does the author want us to learn? (at least 3) What is the historical or social significance of the novel? Answer the unit’s four essential questions. One quote from the text that you think is a good representation of the text or theme Project Requirements Must be on poster board Contain a 3-D or Interactive Element Includes important symbols or colors used in the text An explanation of each group member’s role in the project