SME Manager Writer Why SelfHelp? Scenario 1 (Emerging products) Small customer base Resource crunch How to handle the documentation when the product becomes stable? Uncertainty on the release date No bandwidth Layers of dependency and iterations Emerging product Small customer base Will I get a dedicated writing resource? Which tool to use? How to ensure legal compliance? What are the corporate standards? How and where to publish? Writer Manager SME
Manager Writer Why SelfHelp? Scenario 2 (Maintanence) Product is already in EOL Should I spend a writer bandwidth on minimal updates? Minimal editorial assistance is sufficient No bandwidth Not Challenging Writer Manager
Provide a simplified tool that is easy to adapt REQUIREMENTS Provide a simplified tool that is easy to adapt Minimal learning curve - on both tool and writing basics Provide a collaborative authoring and review platform Seamless transition of documents from SMEs to Writers Support different types of documents SOLUTION Enable SMEs to create content and leverage their technical expertise
Tool & Workflow 1 Enable and train SMEs 2 Create the initial publication 3 Manage Metadata in the backend 4 Create empty topics 5 Create/manage content Create/edit content 6 Editorial Review 7 Fix Review Comments Fix Review Comments 8 Publish
Limitations Not truly “Self Help” Not customization friendly No updates or new features
New Tool & Workflow 1 Enable and train SMEs 2 Create the initial publication 3 Create/edit topics and update metadata Create/manage content and update metadata 4 Use Acrolinx plugin for editorial assistance Use Acrolinx plugin for editorial assistance 5 Publish
Benefits Highly Configurable Content in document format Added capabilities for SMEs
SelfHelp SelfHelp Journey v GA Pilot Beta Integration Development Sep 2018 Aug 2018 v GA Pilot SelfHelp May 2018 Beta Mar 2018 Integration Integtration with our publishing mechanism Feb 2018 Development Started development (customization)
Business Impact v Minimal editing time Optimized writer bandwidth Multiple output formats v Different types of documents
Future Plans Doc types Current Future Product Documentation White papers Technical marketing Documentation Technical papers