Rehabilitation and Addiction Starter - How can drug addicts be helped? List the different ways. Ext – Should they be helped? Research the 12 steps of AA. Learning Objectives:- To analyse ways of helping addicts to give up taking illegal and social drugs. To judge the effectiveness of these methods. To evaluate whether help should be given to rehabilitate addicts whose addiction is self inflicted.
Rehabilitation and Addiction Main – How can drug addicts be helped p43 take key notes on all over these Extension – Which of these do you think is the most effective method of help and why?
Salvation Army Christian charitable organisation aimed at helping the community through embedded Christian values. Watch video and take notes on some of the ways the salvation army help.
Plenary Interpretation! There's a huge double standard in the media, and in society in general, when it comes to drug abuse treatment. Research to help smokers quit is generally portrayed as necessary and important, but increasingly, politicians complain that research to help other drug addicts quit is a waste of money. ( Read paragrpah to students, they must draw a diagram to help them remember what was said and then explain it word for word to the person next to them. After this, randomly ask individuals to read theirs out