Developing FH patient pathways in Scotland


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Presentation transcript:

Developing FH patient pathways in Scotland Dr Bill Simpson Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, NHS Grampian

Declaration of interests William G Simpson Unrestricted educational grants from Schering Plough Honoraria for lectures and advisory boards, Astra-Zeneca, Menarini, Randox, Schering Plough

Why am I here? Chair, Scottish Senior Clinical Biochemists Chair, Association for Clinical Biochemistry Scotland Chair, Scottish Lipid Forum Scottish Lipid Forum set up 2006

Why am I here? Chair, Scottish Senior Clinical Biochemists Chair, Association for Clinical Biochemistry Scotland Chair, Scottish Lipid Forum Scottish Lipid Forum set up 2006 4

Why am I here? Chair, Scottish Senior Clinical Biochemists Chair, Association for Clinical Biochemistry Scotland Chair, Scottish Lipid Forum

2008 - 9 Scottish Genetics Consortium founded 25 yrs ago

2008 - 9 2009 - 10 Scottish Managed Clinical Network for Inherited Metabolic Disease

Current questions: Lipid clinic coverage in Scotland?

Current questions: Lipid clinic coverage in Scotland?

Current questions: Lipid clinic coverage in Scotland?

Current questions: Lipid clinic coverage in Scotland? DNA testing?

Current questions: Lipid clinic coverage in Scotland? DNA testing? Trained FH genetic nurses or counsellors?

Current questions: Lipid clinic coverage in Scotland? DNA testing? Trained FH genetic nurses or counsellors? Paediatric input? National register? Appropriate computer software and connectivity? Audit of service?

The Pathway Forward

The Pathway

The Pathway

Scotland Summary 2008 – 9 2009 – 10 Testing genetic testing Proof of concept Assessing SNP prevalence Developing pathways & documentation 2009 – 10 Cascading cascade testing Networking with other networks Clinical management system aquisition Scottish Managed Clinical Network for Inherited Metabolic Disease