Life Science Human Organ Systems Code Blue Life Science Human Organ Systems
Create A Clinic Group Selections: (form teams of 6) Each group will need a minimum of 6 members. Some groups may have up to 7 members. Each group will have a specialist from the categories provided There are six expert categories. (groups with more than 6 members will have duplicate experts, assigned by your teacher) Each member of the group will be responsible for contributing information about their specialist (expert) category.
Advertise your Clinic Create a poster that identifies your Clinic. Identify the doctors that work for the clinic. What are the areas of “expertise” for each doctor. Include symbols or images that relate to health clinics or human organ systems.
Horde Health Care For the Horde! Dr. Tauren, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Troll, Neurologist
Name Tags Each member of a clinic is to create a name tag that identifies: Your Name as a doctor Your Clinic’s name (who you work for) Your expert field This name tag is your LICENSE to practice medicine, it is issued by the STATE. It is against rules to “forge” a duplicate.
Decorating the Name Tag Your name tag may be decorated to fit your personality and “expert” field. Your name tag may be “trimmed” so long as it does not lose its basic size. Your name tag must be able to be worn while you are working in your “clinic” or “expert” group.
Meet the Specialists Cardiologists (Circulatory System) red Pulmonologists (Respiratory System) orange Endocrinologists (Endocrine System) blue Orthopedic Surgeon (Muscular/Skeletal System) green Obstetrician (Reproductive System) pink Neurologists (Nervous System) purple
Assign specialties. Specialties within each clinic are as follows: 4. Assigning Specialties Within each Medical Clinic there are six specialists, each student takes on the role of one of these specialists. Students work with other students (from other Medical Clinics) assigned to their same specialty in Expert Groups. Together they learn about their specialty area and prepare models and diagrams to teach their Medical Clinic about their specialty. Assign specialties. Specialties within each clinic are as follows: a. Cardiologist—Circulatory System b. Pulmonologist—Respiratory System c. Endocrinologist—Endocrine System d. Orthopedic Surgeon—Muscular/Skeletal System e. Obstetrician—Reproductive System f. Neurologist—Nervous System
Convention GOALs: Board Exams Test in your “Expert” field first. Teach the other doctors in your clinic about your specialty. Take and pass the Board Exam for each of the other specialties in your clinic.
TO PASS BOARD EXAMS: CONVENTION #1: MEET-N-GREET Meet your fellow professionals Read out loud and discuss assigned textbook pgs. Answer the Essential Question: WHAT IS THE _________SYSTEM AND WHAT ARE THE ORGANS INVOLVED? Make Cornell Notes using paragraph for your system. SIGN off on First reading in the license contract.
On Blue Paper Write Down: EVERYONE READ ONLY ORGAN SYSTEM INFO Cardio (heart): pg.510 and 512 Respiratory (Lungs): Pg.510 and 512 Ortho (Skeletal and muscle): Pg 510 and 511 Reproductive (OB): pg. 510 and 514 Neurologists (Brain): pg. 510 and 515 Endocrinologists (Hormones): pg 510 and 515
Convention #2- STUDY GUIDE Finish Convention #1 before start #2: STAMP WHEN DONE! Make sure you have the correct specialty study guide before you start!!! Assigned reading at the top of the study guide. Fill in ALL answers and diagrams that are on the study guide! Take good notes because you will use this to hold a Convention with your clinic to teach your expert field. STAMP
Convention#3-Meet the Patients Create a “patient” that displays each of the major organs. Be creative in the design of your patient.
Diagram For each specialty doctor and field: ***** Must be life size ****a detailed, colored, labeled diagram must be done. ****use textbook for reference.
Cardiologists—Circulatory System Pg. 553: Blood flow Diagram Labeled Pg. 554: Heart Parts inside body Labeled ****FOR Extra CREDIT: Use 3-D model ideas------ • Hollow plastic ball, cut in half, for heart. (Paste in four chambers and use pipe cleaners to show blood flow.) • Paper or small cardboard box to draw/represent the heart • Plastic tubing, paper towel tubes, straws, string, or various yarn diameters/sizes/colors to represent arteries and veins
Pulmonologists—Respiratory System Pg. 573: Respiratory and Lung Diagram Labeled Pg: 575: Details inside Lungs and Lung Tissue Labeled ****FOR Extra CREDIT: Use 3-D model ideas------ • Bubble wrap or tissue paper to fill lungs • Paper • Plastic tubes or straws for bronchial tubes • Two balloons connected to straws for lungs • Two filled pillow cases for lungs, with paper towel tubes for bronchial tubes
Orthopedic Surgeons—Muscular/Skeletal System Pg. 520-21: For Bone Types Labeled Pg. 527: Muscular System types Labeled ****FOR Extra CREDIT: Use 3-D model ideas------ • Animal bones (e.g., turkey, chicken) or sticks • Door hinge for hinge joint, a ball in a bowl for ball and socket • Fabric tape • Modeling clay • Rubber bands
Neurologists—Nervous System Pg. 607: Nervous System Pg. 609: Brain Labeled (green boxes) Pg. 603: Path of Impulses including Parts of Neuron Structure (Pg. 602) ****FOR Extra CREDIT: Use 3-D model ideas------ • Modeling clay • Straws, string, yarn, etc. for neuron • String or yarn • Styrofoam brain with indentations carved to separate each section (each colored differently) • Tubing for spinal cord
Endocrinologists—Endocrine System Pg. 643: Endocrine Glands Labeled ****FOR Extra CREDIT: Use 3-D model ideas------ • Construction paper cut like matching puzzle shapes for virus and antibody • Hook and loop tape and fabric • Modeling clay • Plastic building toys
Obstetrician—Reproductive System Pg. 650-651 for Male Labeled FRONT VIEW Pg. 652-653 for Female Labeled FRONT VIEW ****FOR Extra CREDIT: Use 3-D model ideas------ • Balloons for the placenta • Plastic tubing or dryer tubing umbilical cord Do not make any external body organ models!!! Internal organ models only.