Warm Up Think about Hester. Which group does she represent? What symbols are associated with her? How is Pearl developing? What group would you place her in? Evaluate the public vs private persona of each character. How is this motif developing? Find quotes to support!
TSL 9-10
Ch. 9 What do the people believe brought Chillingworth to Boston? Why does Dimmesdale not want any medical care? How does Dimmesdale respond to watching Chillingworth work? Some of the town have a different view of Chillingworth: they “could justify its prejudice against Roger Chillingworth by no fact or argument worthy of serious refutation” (105- brown book; 117-my book). What does this mean, and what is revealed? How has Chillingworth physically changed since his arrival? At the end of the chapter, the people’s view of what is happening to Dimmesdale is revealed. What do they think is happening to him?
Ch. 10 What is Dimmesdale completely unaware of the start of this chapter? Dimmesdale and Chillingworth have a conversation about revealing sins/secrets. What is each man’s stance and why? (Brown book- 108- 110/My book 122-23) The men see Hester and Pearl. What do they observe Pearl doing? What is Pearl representative of based on these descriptions? Hint: “...like a creature of a bygone and buried generation...” Dimmesdale says his affliction stems from what? What does Chillingworth see at the end of the chapter?