By Claire Barnes, Willow Dene School Take Away One A multi-sensory presentation to promote the concept, vocabulary and symbols of subtraction and skills in taking one away from a given set By Claire Barnes, Willow Dene School
Click to make the set of objects appear Click to make the set of objects appear. They will appear on the screen simultaneously. Ask the students to count them, discussing what strategies they might use, such as pattern recognition for smaller sets and pointing with their finger for larger quantities. Ask the students to identify the numeral associated with the set – on a number line or fan, on a whiteboard, or by writing in sand or in the air. The students could also practice estimation skills by viewing the set briefly before being challenged to say how many there are, or by answering questions such as “Do you think there are more or less than five…” Click to make the number associated with the set appear. Ask the students if they were right. Click again to show the next part of the sum (subtract one) – one object will automatically disappear when this happens. Ask the students if they saw what happened and discuss that one object disappeared, using mathematical language, such as “take away; less; subtract”. Click again to make the equals sign appear and read the sum aloud. Encourage the students to join in. Ask them how many they think are left, again, eliciting their thinking behind their answers if possible. Click to trigger the audio and visual cues to count the remaining objects, encouraging the students to count along with these. Click to show the answer – the students could try and identify the numeral associated with this, as above or show the answer on their fingers. On the last slide, click to make the learning outcome appear and click again to trigger the smiley face and applause.
– = 3 1 2
– = 8 1 7
– = 5 1 4
– = 2 1 1
– = 7 1 6
– = 10 1 9
– = 4 1 3
– = 9 1 8
– = 1 1
– = 6 1 5