Elementary students start smart with Britannica Online School Edition! www.school.eb.com/elementary © 2008 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Schools may duplicate as needed.
Britannica is your source for quality content on the Internet. Content written by experts Safe environment for Internet research Structured and organized content No advertising or promotions Neutral, unbiased perspectives Reliability for you and your students
Just an encyclopedia? Britannica has over 124,000 encyclopedia articles PLUS: Thousands of photos, illustrations, & maps Downloadable video & media pieces Student-friendly web sites Current magazine & journal articles World atlas, dictionary, thesaurus Many other special features: State standards resource-finder & teacher resources New Workspace feature to save your research Web 2.0 linking & sharing features 4 levels: primary, elementary, middle, & high school
The home page is designed to engage young children.
New Learning Zone is for children PreK-2nd Grade.
Learning Zone activities make learning fun!
Britannica helps you find the information you need…fast! The Search Results page presents the materials relating to your topic, at an elementary level.
In-depth articles are easy to read and understand. The articles cover all major aspects of each topic. You can see the Table of Contents in the left column; you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Images are click-able to see the full-size versions.
Auto-citations in MLA & APA formats help students cite right!
Britannica’s Quick-Click dictionary makes reading easy!
Create easy side-by-side country comparisons.
Students can get multimedia for reports & presentations.
Britannica includes over 400 up-to-date magazines & journals
Britannica Editors also bring you The Web’s Best Sites.
Online activities & stories help with reading & writing skills. Include online activities to help reinforce elementary reading and writing skills and concepts. Plus a collection of children’s stories that teachers can read to children or play the audio recording. The stories include reading comprehension activities and printable worksheets.
Students can get help with math concepts, too.
Britannica also supports Standard-Based Education.
Compton’s is the next level, for students in grades 6-8. Can do with out this slide in presentation…
21st Century Learning Britannica helps you: Improve student achievement Reach all levels & abilities Support curriculum standards Integrate technology Promote information literacy
Start using Britannica today at school and at home. Go online to www Start using Britannica today at school and at home! Go online to www.school.eb.com/elementary Please see your Library Media Specialist for a username and password or call Britannica at 1-800-621-3900.