Your Assignment….. Increased vital capacity Respiratory System Increase in minute ventilation Respiratory System Increase in oxygen diffusion rate Increased strength of respiratory muscles
Increased Vital Capacity The maximum amount of air a person can expel after maximum inspiration. As a result of long- term exercise our vital capacity increases. Our vital capacity is normally around 4800cm³. Due to this there is a more efficient supply of oxygen to our working muscles.
Increase in Minute Ventilation The volume of air inhaled and exhaled in one minute. Our minute ventilation depends on our tidal volume and breathing rate. As a result of long term exercise this value will increase due to an increased strength in our respiratory muscles.
Increased strength of respiratory muscles What are our respiratory muscles? Diaphragm Intercostal muscles As a result of long term exercise our diagram and intercostal muscles increase in strength. This allows for greater expansion of the chest cavity. As a result we can breathe more air in at a time, allowing our bodies to intake more oxygen and breath out more carbon- dioxide.
Increase in oxygen diffusion rate Where does diffusion take place? Capillaries Alveoli Another result of long term exercise is that there is an increase in oxygen diffusion rate. This allows for a more efficient delivery of oxygen to be diffused to the working muscles and an increased ability to remove carbon dioxide.