Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Matthew 18:21-35
Context [Matt. 18:1-22] Jesus teaching on humility and the severity of sin (:1-14) Jesus teaching on dealing with a brother who offends – forgiveness Go to them alone (:15) Take one or two more (:16) Take it to the Church (:17) Parable in response to Peter’s question (:21-22)
Parable of the Unforgiving Servant [Matt. 18:31-34] The King and His Servant The Servant and His Fellow Owed 10,000 talents (:24) 1 talent = 6000 denarii (16-20 yr. wage) Debt ~ 160,000 – 200,000 year’s worth of wages (i.e. could never be repaid) Unable to pay = sold with family (:25) [Lev. 25:39] Pleads for mercy (patience) (:26) King has compassion and forgives debt (:27) Owed 100 denarii (:28a) 1 denarius = 1 day’s wage Debt ~ 100 day’s wage (1/3 of a year) (still a large debt, but could be repaid) Lays hands on him and takes him by the throat (:28b) Pleads for mercy (patience) (:29) Shows no mercy and cast him into prison (:30)
The King’s Response [Matt. 18:31-34] Fellowservants took note of the unforgiving servant (:31) King confronts the unforgiving servant – should have had compassion as I had pity (:32-33) Cast unforgiving servant to the tormenters (:34)
Application [Matt. 18:35] The King is the Father, we are the servant, others are the fellow servant We owe the Father a debt that could never be repaid Rom. 6:23 – wages of sin = death Heb. 2:1-3 – how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation Heb. 10:28-31 – how much sorer punishment…
Application [Matt. 18:35] The King is the Father, we are the servant, others are the fellow servant We owe the Father a debt that could never be repaid The Father has shown us mercy we should be merciful Ps. 103:8-14 – the Lord is merciful and gracious Mt. 5:7 – blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy Js. 2:8-13 – if we show no mercy, we will be judged with no mercy Col.3:13/Eph. 4:32 – forgive as Christ forgave us
Application [Matt. 18:35] The King is the Father, we are the servant, others are the fellow servant We owe the Father a debt that could never be repaid The Father has shown us mercy -> we should be merciful Our forgiveness is dependent on how we forgive others Matt. 6:12,14-15 – forgive us our debts AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS Mk. 11:25-26 – forgive that ye may be forgiven
Application [Matt. 18:35] The King is the Father, we are the servant, others are the fellow servant We owe the Father a debt that could never be repaid The Father has shown us mercy -> we should be merciful Our forgiveness is dependent on how we forgive others Just as we received forgiveness of an impossible debt, our forgiveness of others is to be unlimited Matt. 18:21-22 – not 7 but 70*7 Luke 17:3-5 – rebuke, repent, forgive
The Process of Forgiveness [Matt. 18:15-17] If a brother sins against us… 1. Rebuke alone If he repents, forgive him! 2. If he doesn’t repent, take one or two more 3. If he doesn’t repent, take it to the church 4. If he doesn’t repent, then let him be as a heathen/publican