Let’s learn about planets! Our solar system began as a big nebula (cloud of 99% gas and 1% dust) that collapsed. Our sun (star) was made from the center of the nebula, and other gas and dust spun off and away, cooling into planetesimals (early, still-forming planets) and other space junk. As the space junk and planetesimals spun off, they often created their own gravitational pulls. They cooled and collected nearby debris (from crashing into one another) and became planets.
It happens like this:
Yay great so what does that mean now so what who cares Well, it resulted in our planets. From the sun, we have Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Duh, ms. Fuentes, you forgot pluto. No, I didn’t. You’ll see a lot of images claiming Pluto as a planet. It was discovered in 1930 and labeled as a planet. However, its status has been changed to a “dwarf planet”. A dwarf planet is different than a planet. We’ll come back to Pluto later. Well, not literally.
The 4 terrestrial planets Mercry Venus Earth Mars They’re called terrestrial because they have rocky surfaces. They have molten heavy metal cores, few moons, and things like valleys and craters The 4 terrestrial planets