Bellwork (“Do-Now”) Monday, Nov. 14, 2016 Directions: Use your new root to complete all five columns in your roots log in which you will record the following: the root, the definition, example words, your own sentence using the word, and a picture or another sentence representing the word to you. inter [Definition: between] intersect intercept [The two lines intersect on the graph.] [The literacy teacher intercepted the note two of her students attempted to pass to each other.] **Success Criteria: I can use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meaning of a word.
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016 Word Wall Word: coherent Directions: Complete all four boxes **Success Criteria: I can acquire grade-appropriate vocabulary. Word: coherent What It Is (synonym): Part of Speech: adjective Explain in your own words what coherent means Definition: clear and easy to understand What It Is Not (antonym): Picture Representation: Explain in your own words what coherent does not mean. Draw a picture representing what coherent means to you.
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016 Word Wall Word: consistent Directions: Complete all four boxes **Success Criteria: I can acquire grade-appropriate vocabulary. Have out your STUDY GUIDE!!!! Word: consistent What It Is (synonym): Part of Speech: adjective Explain in your own words what consistent means Definition: uses the same tone, point of view, style, and focus throughout the piece of writing What It Is Not (antonym): Picture Representation: Explain in your own words what consistent does not mean. Draw a picture representing what consistent means to you.
Bellwork (“Do-Now”) Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016 Directions: Use your new root to complete all five columns in your roots log in which you will record the following: the root, the definition, example words, your own sentence using the word, and a picture or another sentence representing the word to you. log [Definition: word, study] dialogue logical [One can determine a book character is [Your argument is not logical.] speaking from the quotation marks surrounding the dialogue.] **Success Criteria: I can use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meaning of a word.
Friday, Nov. 18, 2016 Bellwork: Study for today’s test over informative/explanatory writing. Get out a pencil and take everything else off your desk.