Mrs. B’s Classroom Layout Reading & Vocabulary Computers Dock Station Rug ARP & Math Facts Bulletin Boards Supply Cubbies DESKS Group Time Table Bathroom Math & Science Center Teacher’s Desk Door
Interview with Mrs. B Did you choose this classroom set-up? Yes. 2. Why did you choose to put the students in groups? 3. Why is one child by himself? 4. Are the children grouped in any order or reason? 5. Do you have any cheating issues during test time? 6. Do they misbehave in this seating arrangement? Do they do lots of work within their small groups? What was your main goal in laying out the classroom as you did? Yes. I change my set-up according to the students’ behavior and usually every quarter of the year. It gives a little change to the environment. He tends to talk a lot instead of completing his work so I moved him to be alone. Yes, right now I have them grouped according to ability. I have two higher ability students grouped with two lower ability students. I did this so they can help each other at times. No. No more or less than they have in any other seating arrangement. Yes we do. My main goal was assuring that I included everything I wanted in my room and on my walls without it becoming over stimulating for the students.
Mrs. E’s Classroom layout Storage Bathroom Door to outside Rug Literacy center Art Dock Station Sand Table Dramatic Play Blocks Storage Science Math Storage Computers Music Writing Reading
Interview with Mrs. E Did you choose this seating arrangement? Why did you choose to seat them this way? Are they grouped in any order or reason? Do they misbehave in this arrangement? Do they do lots of small group work? What were your thoughts when placing the rug in the middle of the room? What is done on the rug? What was your main goal in laying out the room as you did? Yes and no. I’m only given so much space so I have to work with what room I’m given. Besides being the best way to fit everything in this room, I sat the children according to ability. Yes. As you can see I have five students at the science table, five at the math table, and seven at the art table. I mixed up lower ability students with upper ability students. No, we do a lot of moving. Also a lot of our learning time is spent on the rug or in centers. Yes, small group work is mainly the only time the students are seated in their assigned chairs. The rug is in the front center of the classroom and it is our most used area of the room. We do all of our lessons, learning, and reviewing on the rug. We also have story time there. My main goal was to make sure that the children had enough space to move freely while also benefitting the most from their experiences.
My Ideal Classroom Storage Reading Dock Station Cubbies Writing Center Bulletin Board DESKS Math Science Art Computers Bathroom