Skin, Tongue, Nose, Ear and Eye Senses Skin, Tongue, Nose, Ear and Eye
Senses Sensory Receptors Somatic Senses Special Senses Detect environmental changes and trigger nerve impulses Somatic Senses Touch, pressure, temperature, pain Special Senses Smell, taste, vision, equilibrium, hearing
Skin – Somatic Sense
Work on the label & coloring worksheet before moving on!! link
Receptors Chemoreceptors Pain receptors Thermoreceptors Detects chemicals Pain receptors Detects pain Thermoreceptors Detects heat Mechanoreceptors Detects pressure and body location Photoreceptors Detects light
Sensations Sensation Feeling that occurs when a brain interprets a sensory impulse Projection Process where the cerebral cortex creates a feeling caused by the sense Example: bad smell – head ache or throw up feeling Sensory adaptation Sensory receptors stop sending signals when they are repeatedly stimulated Example: We can not feel that we are wearing clothes after a while or getting used to a certain smell or sound.
Somatic Senses Free Nerve Endings Meissner‘s Corpuscles Pain, heat, cold Meissner‘s Corpuscles touch Pacinian Corpuscles pressure
Sense of Pain Visceral Pain Referred Pain Acute Pain Chronic Pain Occurs in visceral tissue such as heart, lungs and intestine Referred Pain Feels as though it is coming from a different part Heart pain may be felt as pain in the arm or shoulder Acute Pain Originates from skin, usually stops when stimulus stops (needle prick) Chronic Pain Dull aching sensation What is the difference between Acute and Chronic Pain?
Rank the pain from least to worst. Stubbed toe Burn from stove Slamming finger in a door Paper cut Sprained ankle Sore throat Sore muscles
Regulation of Pain Inhibitors of Pain (natural brain chemicals can be mimicked by drugs such as morphine) Serotonin Endorphins
How is the Universal Pain Assessment Tool used by Health Care Providers?
The Rising Tide of Prescription Abuse 2.6 million people nationwide now regularly use prescription pain pills for recreational purposes. Taken in small doses, painkillers produce feelings of euphoria with no hangover.
Where do most people obtain prescription drugs? What regulations can be imposed to stop prescription drug abuse?
It‘s Lab Day!!! ……. link Two Point Discrimination Baroreceptors Paperclip & Ruler Baroreceptors Markers & Ruler Thermoreceptors Nails (hot & cold)
Joke What did the right eye say to the left eye? Between you and me something smells!
Sense of Smell (Olfactory) Odor Smell particles Everything that we smell has a different odor and therefore a different smell. Example: a Rose has a differently shaped odor (smell particle) than a banana. Our nose is able to detect the difference and the brain is interpreting it Receptor Cell Nerve cell that detects odor in air Olfactory Bulb Nerve in nose that collects all the odor info Olfactory Tract Nerve pathway to brain so brain can interpret the smell
How do we smell thing? Odor attaches to Receptor Cell in the nose. Receptor Cell sends info to Olfactory Bulb. Olfactory Bulb delivers info to Olfactory Tract. The Olfactory Tract sends into to Brain via Nerve Pathway (impulses – Action Potentials)
Look at the picture and explain in your OWN words how smell works….
Why do smells trigger memories? Smell is processed in the Parietal lobe as well as the Hippocampus. The Hippocampus stores all our memories. Therefore memories that are saved in combination with a certain smell can be retrieved when we encounter that smell again. Example: The smell of fresh baked cookies trigger the memory of baking cookies with grandma. Example: The smell of a certain parfum makes you think of your lover.
How do we smell? Video Clip
Work on the „Sense of Smell“ Worksheet Link