Lesson 3 – Object Pronouns Ch. 3 – Pronouns Lesson 3 – Object Pronouns
Definition An object pronoun is used as a direct object, an indirect object, or an object of a preposition. Object Pronouns Singular: me, you, him, her, it Plural: us, you, them
Examples—Pronouns as Direct Objects Bad storms scare me. Bad storms scare who or what? Me Do you like them? Do you like who or what? Them
Example—Pronouns as Indirect Objects Give me an explanation of how hurricanes form. Give what? Explanation (direct object) To whom? Me (Object pronoun as indirect object) I told him the story of Hurricane Floyd. Told what? Story (direct object) To whom? Him (Object pronoun as indirect object)
Example—Pronouns as Object of the Preposition When he sees big storms, he runs from them. From who or what? Them (object of the prep.) The storm is coming straight at us. At who or what? Us (object of the prep.)
Practice with Object Pronouns Directions: Choose the correct form of the pronoun to complete each sentence.
Hurricane Floyd ravaged the East Coast in 1999; the extent of the damage horrified my friends and _____. I Me
My brother and ____ read that Floyd was 600 miles across and had winds of 155 miles an hour. Me
Gerald Keeth is a U.S. sailor; the hurricane gave _____ the scare of his life. Him
“The bad weather started pounding ____ Tuesday night,” he wrote. us
“____ launched our life raft in … 55 foot seas with 60-knot winds.” We us
The raft accidentally left ____ and two others behind. Him
_____ had only life jackets and an emergency locator beacon. They Them
“I could hear each wave from behind ____ like a freight train coming.” Me
Then a helicopter rescued ______. They Them
We/we We/us Us/we Us/us “Rescue swimmer Shad Hernandez put a harness on each of ____ , and ____ were hauled into the helicopter.” We/we We/us Us/we Us/us