“figo” “fixum” fix, fasten, attach
Warm-Up: Monday Create a word art or draw a picture that conveys the meaning of the root word “figo/fixum” AND “jungo/junctum”
Write a sentence for the following derivatives of “figo/fixum”: Warm-Up: Tuesday Write a sentence for the following derivatives of “figo/fixum”: fixture crucifix affix(v) suffix
“jungo” “junctum” join, unite, connect
Write a sentence for the following derivatives of “jungo/junctum” Warm-Up: Wednesday Write a sentence for the following derivatives of “jungo/junctum” conjugal disjointed – not connected; out of order conjunction subjugate – to conquer or control
Warm-Up: Thursday **REMEMBER: WARM-UP QUIZ TOMORROW!!!! Number your “Thursday” box 1 through 15 and wait for the slide show. **REMEMBER: WARM-UP QUIZ TOMORROW!!!! Be sure to study ALL of the root words we’ve learned so far
Warm-Up: Friday Make sure your heading is on your warm up paper Study for your quiz